The Path to Newton

The path to Newton is not for the faint of heart, for the journey is abundant in self reflection and truths about ourselves yet untold. Those that share the sacred mark of seeker are unaware of the true depths they will travel to unveil the secrets behind what lies ahead.
For this, is our destiny
All of us.

Destiny Awaits

The call for me happened on Christmas Eve 2024. It was 4am and I had been sleeping very poorly lately; I woke up with a jump and with a heavy knot in my stomach as if something wasn’t balanced.
I am all about the balance and tranquillity around my life, when something is “off balance” it turns me into a lop-sided weirdo.
Wiping sleep off my eyes I felt this sudden urge to go up on my PC as if it were calling to me. So strange, but I have had these feelings before in my life where my mind and body decision making had split.
My mind of course was telling me to lay back down, go to sleep, it’s 4am and it’s way too early to be up working at this early hour.
Yet my body was almost hoisting me up out of my bed and into a vertical position, ready to walk upstairs and see the important “whatever” on discord.
I’ve learned through my life to listen to how my body feels. It’s generally more right than what my mind tells me — when both are split I tend to side with how I feel rather than what I think.
Intelligent people tend to think with their minds, and it’s why they (we) struggle so much in life.
All of the communication and interaction we do in life is through the unseen; the way the body reacts and does not react to things — only 3% of communication is the spoken word, so it’s why I tend to listen to how I feel rather than how I think.
My feelings over the years have gradually overtaken and now dictate on how I think.
This has served me well over the years.
Occasionally there is a split, this is one of those times.
Giving into my body I take the walk in darkness to my office to find my PC staring back at me, waiting to be turned on, waiting to have some life kicked into it.
“This is stupid” I keep telling myself,
What the hell am I doing?
Yet there is a feeling of building greatness in my stomach, one that I have never felt before, I have only imagined what it feels like when watching performers perform to millions of screaming fans — yet also wishing I was that said performer.
This is insane.
As I turn my monitor on it glares back at me; the glistening dark glow of discord rooms and the brilliant white of the written word. My brain was telling me to check the Newton discord.
I remember the Newton discord. It was the one I ended in after falling prey to a devilish scam, one that almost broke me on Solana.
Solana was a fairly new chain for me to play on. I wasn’t too much into “The trenches” as I value what I hold and tend to get right behind something I invest in.
This token had promised us the world, a new world, one where everyone would have a chance at success and that no-one would be left behind. An idealists ultra dream, and a sociopath’s nightmare.
It rugged though, as they always do, but this one was different; this one cut deep.
I felt part of something greater than myself, for the first time in a long time. I’ve always worked towards bigger causes but 10 years in crypto and going toe to toe with real markets blackens those rose tinted glasses quite a bit.
This one was no different.
I should have known better.
When it rugged I didn’t only lose money, I lost a part of myself that I had found again. A glimpse of the old me coming out to play for the first time in many years. But he was gone as soon as he came.
It crushed me a little.
It did leave me with Newton though, and this wasn’t affiliated. Somehow we thought they were connected somehow and it was because of Magic Newton this coin had become so popular.
Let’s see what’s going on in here.
I ventured into the Discord for alpha.

The Path to Enlightenment

I will not pretend that it was easy. I wish I could tell you that I walked in and I just sat there and chatted with like minded individuals as I levelled up through the ranks, no, I, we, were tested to our very core.
The path is different for everyone, because each dream, every vision of what can be in the future is different, and every path is interwoven but also adjacent; there is no right way or wrong way, but only truth in our own mind’s eye.
Lead with truth.
If we lead with truth then the veil of what is behind the curtain would slowly peel back and give us a glimpse of what was to become — a better world.
Anyone that has journeyed to truth before knows the perils that await, as the covers that keep us snug in our gentle slumber peel back and we are awakened to the cold snap of enlightenment.
Some wrestle hard to pull the covers back over themselves, because their sleep and dreams, whilst an illusion, are comfortable and warm.
Others dive forth into the cold snap and reach for the light switch to illuminate their way, ready to take on what lays ahead.
Truth is not for everyone, and it is one of the hardest life paths to take. We shouldn’t judge those that are happy in the void — because we have been conditioned to be this way, the programming is very strong around the world.
Only a few made it to the top
Those that arose, they were brave enough to take a step into the unknown, to devote their time and resources to a seemingly empty discord steeped in wonder and illusion — for there was much to discover behind the veil and we all knew it, we could feel it deep within ourselves.
The paths we travelled were private, highly personal, and rooted in the deeper belief that this was bigger than anything we had been part of before.
We all took the path of truth; which involved personal sacrifice, steadfast belief, and deep patience. We all worked hard to get to where we are.
Very hard.
Give to Newton, and Newton will give to you.
I saw that chanted in the main room quite a few times, and it rang true, if even the people that were saying it never truly understood what they were saying at the time.

The Awakening

Sitting here at the top of a Discord with 300,000 members in it, I sit here in awe of what has come to pass. When I first joined we were barely 1000 members, and we could chat to each other across the gathering hall. Chat was slow, sometimes empty. Now? We get lost in a sea of people trying to increase their chat level.
But I have been awakened in mind, body, and soul. There’s a fire raging in me now.
Newton has touched passion inside that I thought long dead; awakened a part of me that had laid dormant for many years, something I don’t think I’ve touched since my teenage years — hope.
Hope is powerful
Hope is what drives humans forward from the dark ages and into the industrial revolution. It is the divine light to the otherwise overwhelming death and despair that can often surround us. It is the get up and go to the down and defeat.
It’s perhaps humanity’s greatest gift to the world — the hope for a better one.
But we have lost our way a little.
We see all around us, right now, men, women and children demoralized by our surroundings; we have become too reliant on the technology that coddles us and we have detached ourselves from our true essence that embraces with nature.
I am often telling people to put their bare feet on grass. It helps with depression sometimes.
We have become bricked up in our ivory towers huddled over our phones and computers and forgotten about what it was like to play rounders in the middle of the road, or football on pathways.
When I was young sometimes I would be daring and go rock climbing without ropes and without safeguards — if my mum knew should would have hit the roof, but it is what we all did. We were all explorers when we were younger.
We have become dulled to the world around us; everything eye-glazed in a world of mediocrity and stagnation.
But Newton brings hope.
This is what Newton is bringing to the table and why I am so excited to share this article with you.
It is bringing exploration to the internet.
We are at the genesis of a new era of exploration. One of hopes and dreams and abundance. The likes the world has never seen before.
Steve Jobs brought us web2, and here we are 20 years later in a remarkably different world.
Newton is going to kickstart web3 in the same way Steve jobs did for web2. And with it a bright new future where financial abundance awaits.
We are going to see every business and every mom and pop shop floating their own crypto and with it a Newton wallet.
There’s going to be immense wealth creation in the next 20 years. It’s written in stone.
If you are here, you are early.
You will be thankful you walked the path.
For the love of Newton.
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