Did He, or Didn't He?

Well, look what good old Elon did a couple of days ago!
Did he really?

Oh my god!

When Elon threw this salute we had many discussions on my discord about the intention behind other people's actions.
This single shout out from Elon has wasted several hours of my time these last few weeks in discussions I'd have rather not have been in, when it could have been only a few seconds as we laughed together at the similarities between the two.
I just think he was a really happy autistic man overcome with emotion and wanted to send a heartfelt thank you to the crowd who have supported his ideas for the last 5 years.
That's it,

Nothing more.

Of course the media were going to make hysteria of it because they want their clicks and views, and of course Elon is going to be vague about it because he wants engagement on his platform.
You are being played for financial gain my friend, by both sides of the aisle. This should by now be nothing new to you.

Businesses want their angry clicks and twitter wants its angry engagement.

Emotions drive engagement, and angry people are the most easiest to control.
People in a heightened state of anger are easier to use as a battering ram against opponents, or to just drive clicks and views. It is the same psychology.
That's why Facebook literally kicked off the idea of attention farming; but in its wake it destroyed friendships, flatted families, and wrecked neighbourhoods.
The process is simple; they will love bomb you for a few weeks, show you nice things, friends that you agree with, and generally articles that make you feel good.
Then, out of the blue they will crack that serenity with something you highly disagree to the core with.
That process will ramp up slowly until you are consuming just angry content all the time and commenting like a mad-man.
It's one of the reasons I ditched most social media.

You should regularly detach too.

But most brains that have been using social media for an eternity aren't aware of this and aren't able to step back and question things a little more.
We have been conditioned to knee-jerk react to emotive pieces of symbolism online without actually holding back and asking ourselves some of the most important questions.


For instance you do realise that it took Hitler almost 16 years to raise one of the fiercest armies the world had ever seen? He trained them for war since they were barely in their teens; he pit them against the elements, and their fellow humans, and he brainwashed them severely.
He turned a fun thing for kids to do when they were young into an army recruitment facility. From child to soldier.
There were no dog whistles, or secret Okay signs to their fellow leaders -- they were out and they were proud of what they were doing.
I can almost wholeheartedly promise you that Elon is not a Nazi.
I don't think most people realise what Naziism was. You would be shot in the face in the middle of the street for disagreeing with an officer. German or Jew.
Those that disagreed with Naziism weren't allowed to protest in large numbers on the street. If they tried, they would be carted off and taken away to concentration camps with their Jew colleagues.
"Jew Sympathiser"
Was the term used to squash rebellion. Any Jew sympathiser met the same fate.


Everyone still has their rights, no-one's getting sent to large execution chambers in their thousands, and no-one's getting shot in the face on the street and being left to rot there.
If you look at anything popular it needs public support and there's two camps at the moment. One camp are frightened and saying his is a Nazi, the other is saying he can't be one.
If you look at the bigger picture then 99% of people don't support this idea, so the chances of anything like this happening are 0%.
Because it has happened before. I'm not an absolutist. I believe there's a chance for everything.
But as for Elon and his awkward excitable autisty salute that didn't look good?
Well, maybe you should step away from the internet for a few days and concentrate on the things that matter.
Because like..
Who cares,
Right? :)
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