A Blast from the past.


Looking back

I thought I would start doing some retrospective looks at my old videos. On my personal account the videos were both personal and also from a different time of my life so I thought it would be good to look at where I was, where I am now and then where am I going.
You can see my channel here and likes and subs are always very welcome:

The video

Today I am watching a video I made 3 months ago where I was really trying hard to connect with an audience of some sort. There's a lot of deep thought and emotional vibes in this, and watching it, it made me think, wow, I was actually making good progress with these.
Perhaps I'll start them up again, I actually miss it a little! Mainly because I enjoyed watching myself, and the storytelling aspect of it all.
I think perhaps I was in a very different mindset back then and I'm missing entirely how I feel today, which is happy and positive.
Maybe I should reframe my videos to showcase a more happy and positive outlook to life, rather than reflecting on life's mistakes and the grief! Interesting.
All the answers are in the videos of course, however I could start off with positive titling!

My thoughts now

Reflecting back on this I now see another angle I can take these, and it's similar to the video that brings in almost 98% of my subscribers and it's a positive, upbeat one on how to solve immediate problems.
So I'm going to restart this journey I think. I'm just in the midst of painting my room and then we'll get going!

My projects

I am a very dedicated Hiver and I run the @brofund @brofund @brofund and @brofund projects on Hive with my team. If you want to know more about them please do not hesitate to ask.
Delegate to @brofi for daily BRO pay outs or delegate to @brofi to get daily LGN payouts at 12% APR.
Check out the website at https://brofi.io/
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