
Just one of those coders

Joined in 08, 2017
· 18. Feb 2022

Been talking a bit with @themarkymark lately about posting our MineColonies changelogs on Hive again. As MineColonies is prominently played on his Minecraft server, that'd just seem fitting.Enchanter noticed that visiting postboxes and stashes is not very helpful.Enchanter noticed that visiting postboxes and stashes is not very helpful.Mechanics tinkered with Stash and Postbox a bit to allow quicker breaking of the block.Mechanics tinkered with Stash and Postbox a bit to allow quicker breaking of the block.Tool-info in the hut info pages was corrected.Tool-info in the hut info pages was corrected.Norsemen execute now more risky attacks, they're taking more tools and tomes along they might drop on death.Norsemen execute now more risky attacks, they're taking more tools and tomes along they might drop on death.After eating a bit more over the weekend, guards should not fall through the little holes in the floors when nappingAfter eating a bit more over the weekend, guards should not fall through the little holes in the floors when nappingThe crafters noticed that planning their day from their home is not ideal. They will now properly go to their work building every morning to then check over their hut.The crafters noticed that planning their day from their home is not ideal. They will now properly go to their work building every morning to then check over their hut.Due to a subspacious glitch in the chunkmatrix, builders were magically able to construct buildings from too far away. After a decrease in sun activity, this should not happen anymore now.Due to a subspacious glitch in the chunkmatrix, builders were magically able to construct buildings from too far away. After a decrease in sun activity, this should not happen anymore now.
