Hello everybody! 😊
How are you doing?
I will be a little quiet over here during this week.
I have a friend (
@nane-qts) over from Australia visiting me! 🎉 I got to know her a few years ago here on the Hive blockchain, and she helps me ever since with my Discord server and some administrative stuff. It´s great to meet Hive friends in real life, and also one that is living on the other side of the world!
So we are driving around, visit alot of stuff that my area is famous for, go to restaurants and much more. There is not much time for Hive in between. Tomorrow is my birthday, on friday I make a little party with my friends, and on saturday, I have a small gig with my band. So this week is exploding. 😂
Therefore I can tell you alot about all this stuff next week.
Hope you understand that I can´t be active right now. ❤️
But let me show some pictures of our trip yesterday. We visited a castle near my home where I´ve never been that is called Burg Rheinfels.
We have hundreds of castles nearby and I barely visited any of them in my life. Because for me it´s just so normal that there are castles everywhere. 😂
But it was very nice!
They also had a museum with alot of the original old papers, armors, weapons, etc.
Then there was this huge hall. This was my highlight!! It was insanely big, you can´t really see that on the picture.
The atmosphere while standing in it and also the sound was incredible! Definitely my favourite place in the castle. It had so much mystical feeling to it.. ✨
We will go out now to have another day of adventure! You will hear from me as soon as this full week is over! 😅
I hope you have a great time!! 🖤
I am very thankful for everyone who supports me on my journey!!