Satria Ramadhan

Father - Gamer - Learner | Not a photographer but loves taking picture | Creator of Indonesianhiver | Running some giveaway


Joined in 09, 2021
6 hours ago

Introduction Hello my dear friend on hive community, wish you had a great day! I haven't post for few days and finally had a little space to talk about it. Let's check it out !Moving to Another CityI already talk about that I had to move to other city, due to a duty from my workplace, and the time is finally come, the assignment letter is on and we have to move as soon as possible. I had to prepare for all my stuff and moved them as well, and it's a lot, with total of 38 packages are there includes bed, cupboard, etc. It requires a lot of time and energy, especially when we found out our little son is getting ill, which needs more attention and cause us having a hard time to get rest at the night. But after few days of preparation, we finally managed to pack them all. Now it is just about moved them to my new place because it's on different island.Spare Extra Money for Unexpected CostAfter all my stuff is ready, I decide to move with my family with the public sea transportation, but since the stuff is too much, we can't bring them together and decide to use a cargo service for doing that. We had our calculation, but there comes the unexpected things. First, the semi truck car that belong to my office is not available, which makes us need to rent a truck which cost around 35$. And the second one is, to move my stuff from the street through the port, the porter is needed, and it has unexpected cost, which I approximately around 15-20$, turn up to offering for 70$ and can only dropped into 40$. Geez, with limited budget I had, I finally decide to withdraw all HBD I had, and I'm very lucky to save some on HBD, which can easily converted into hive and trade them into my local currency. I'm still half way, and yet looking for the needed that I still have to shop on my new place, and I wish

9 days ago

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. For this Hive Learner Contest, We got the challenge to talk about what would you do if you can save the world from hunger, poverty and diseases by sacrifice ourself. Here is my thought !The World and It's Problem Hunger, Poverty, and Diseases is serious problem the world is faced right know. I do believe that our beloved earth has provide us with enough source for everyone, if only we are willing to manage it right. The dream of living without any hunger, poverty, and disease is blocked by human's ambition, to be the best in the world, to be able to stand in front of the other, to have the power to rules people, or maybe the evil desires to see the other are fall behind us. We can see how there are many super rich people, that rules the modern world, with their economics system. They can control the politics of nation, due to their power with mega money they had. If only, those rich people are willing to spent some of their wealth to save the poor, we might able to see without any hunger and poverty. Even the disease are might comes from the bad ambition, because medice could be an interesting business option, due to the urgency for the people that want to be healthy. With so many people and their own mind, it's so hard to resolve all of the problem on this world.If Only a Sacrifice Could Solve ItIf only a sacrifice of myself could save the world, will I doing that ? This is quite hard question because as a person, I also have people that I love. I'm affraid that my wife and sons will have a hard time if I'm not there. I want my sons to have their father figures when they growing up, and so my wife needed a support to take care of them. But, the reward for let the world free from the hunger, povert, and disease is just too good to let it

11 days ago

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. For this Hive Learner Contest, We got the challenge to write the moral code that we kept for our life. Now I want to share mine, let's start this session!Never Take Advantage of Someone's Kindness We live in the world, where we are interacted with other people. Sometimes, they need us, and sometimes, we need other people's help. One value that I want to keep until now is, never take advantage of someone's kindness. This is important, because people might lose their interest to help you or will have a disrespect to you once you try to take advantage from them. Basically, don't do something that you don't want someone's to to that for you. I do believe that everything that good happens to us is coming from God, and we should always be grateful for that, and so being thankful for the person that help us. If we could, then try to help them back whenever they need you, this is how we should respond on people's kindness in my opinion. This way, people can helping each other with a happy feeling and remember that we need each other and can rely to that person when we need them.Toxic People Might Do ItOn a workplace, or on a society, we might face that people that often taking advantage of people's kindness. They only think about getting benefit for themselves. This is not a society we want, but some people are just like that. I already know some people on my workplace that having this habit. This cause most employee are unwilling to show what they are able to, and tend to avoid helping work mate or giving idea about something new, because they are afraid that they will exploited to do someone's job or imposed with new job that they had to do alone. Someone's kindness should never be a weakness or exploited !![Dvder.png](
