Hi all!
With less than 5 weeks to go for the NN Marathon Rotterdam 2025, I find myself in my second peak week (out of 3). While the primairy focus in these weeks is to add more kilometers in your schedule , I also try to incorporate some tempo runs.
Today I went looking for a new route and found a small square (ish) route of 480 meters that included some elevation gains. Making it an efficient route to do some speed work. The route was about 2.5km from my place so could be used in future workouts including a decent warming up and cooling down. I did 10 rounds on the short route today.
My first peak week totalled 77 km - this week should be above that aiming for 80 - 85 km. From which now 22 km are completed.
The pain in my groin is greatly reduced after sunday to monday night. But I did listen to it and am now incorporating a short daily stretching routine of 10 - 15 minutes. After Rotterdam I will increase the stretching a bit to rebalance the smaller muscles again but for now this should be good enough to work with! Especially as starting with stretching for not so flexible people (like me) can be painful at first.

Looking at my workout tracker, my schedule in March is completely on track. So far I managed to do a run on every day of the month - having had no serious difficulties in my trainingblock has been a while for me and really boosts my convidence towards my goal on April 13th!
Happy Running