Countdown to NN Rotterdam 2025 4 weeks to go | peak week 2 done


Hi all, welcome back to my running blog! With the NN Marathon Rotterdam 2025 in exactly four weeks, I finished my second peak week. Whereas I aimed to do roughly 80km this week - I finished the week with 86km.

I was a little in doubt what to do this morning as I only needed 16km to reach weekly goal - but doing longer and slower runs might also be beneficial for my running economy. So I was considering 16 to 26 km and decided after 12km to settle for 21 km so I will preserve some energy for my next week which will be the last peak week before the taper starts.
This morning when my run started it was still freezing, but the sun was already shining bright. Which makes it very difficult to dress correcty on it. As my intention was to do a slow(er) run today I dressed with 2 layers and took my water vest with me. This turned out to be a bit hot after the first 30 min. So in regards to clothing - I will stick to 1 layer during the marathon. I am also considering replacing my vest with my water belt - as unlike the last two marathons in februari and october I don’t have that much stuff to carry. Next week I will experiment a bit with that!
Still no real injuries, but I do notice that in the process of braking in my new shoes I am developing hot spots / small blisters. Will try a different lacing technique to distribute the contact areas differently. Normally that does the trick!
Happy running!
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