Splinterland's: Land 1.75, Enticed me to start my land Journey.
When the land was first rolled out, I purchased three land plots in the presale but afterwards I did not do anything serious with my land, with no runi in my account , I need to buy power core for 5000 DEC and heard a lot of the DEC staking requirement in the land. Afterwards I took a break from the Hive and game, that caused my land plots to be further ignored. Recent Community challenge about land 1.75 helped me to look at my fellow players and official posts and it looks it will be profitable to develop land based on current and upcoming land 2.0.
To take my first step, I have selected one of my land i.e is "Jungle" type and decided to to take "River" type later on. The staking DEC requirement that caused me not to start at first place is still a limitation so I will be taking one step a time to buils all three based on my experience of building the first one.
To start on this land, I have to shell out 5000 DEC to buy power core and I purchase power core today to get started on my land. When land become usable for first time, at that time I also researched a little bit of it, so I know how to proceed today and do not require to read documentation today.
SourceAfter I purchased my Power core, I am all set to equip it on my land, so that I can work on my land. Actually for me, I have to construct the building on my land (though not very sure might be actual game term might be clearing the land)
I have equipped my power core and the workers and I have got 3 option for construction, one is for grain mill, other for SPS and third one I guess was crafting building (do not remember fully). Till now, I have plan that I have 3 building and 3 plots, so I can go for one construction on each plot. Though I have strong conviction to go for grain production but i thought that so may players are producing grain so it will not be problem to acquire, so let try my luck in mining SPS from land.
My Future strategy
I have read other player post and look like if the action on the land taken strategically then it will be going to good source of the passive income. Earning passive income always enticed me and I will really like to see how land will help me to earn in 1.75. I am going to develop all my 3 lands but I am wondering that should I go to acquire more land? Answer to this lies on how much land help me in enhancing my game experience, how easy to work in the land and how much I will be able to make in a season with my effort in the land. If all goes good, I guess I might like to increase my plot count to 10. Based on current market price of the common plots, it definitely look a doable task.
My 2 cents.
I am feeling that Splinterland's development is now in track and will be able to deliver the roadmap promised in good speed. Validator Nodes is one of the greatest development and it is now already live. Once Conclave Arcana goes Live, i think team has enough time and resource to make land exciting. On the other hand I am also looking on the factor of time to develop land, cost to develop land and benefit derived after developing land. My further working on the land will be based on these 3 factors. Also I need to delve more on the land post and gain more understanding to get benefit from my land.
Team on its official post of land 1.75 promised that land will help in generating more avenues to earn and road map 2.0 is going be much more advanced in which more resources will come into play and allow the crafting of items. In my opinion, crafting can be a big hit and drive lot of craze. I think it is still not too late for me to get ready for land 2.0 and become a land baron.
This is all for today, but if you like to read more of my Splinterland content then you can find the link below.
Link to my previous but recent splinterland's post.
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