Vibes web3 Music Competition week 27, cover of Daily as I live " by @queentis

Hello everyone welcome to vibes week 27 in this community, the song I will be doing this week is Titled Daily as I live by Chris Morgan. I love this song so much because it reminds me to acknowledge God as the creator everyday of my life as far as I am still breathing.
The first stanza which is " Daily as I live, often as I breath let my whole life be expression of your grace" signifies that our whole life should express God's grace. God's grace is always sufficient to everyone, everywhere and anywhere irrespective of our tribe, background, status etc. He has shown us his grace in so many ramifications of life, that is why I love this song so much.
The second stanza which says " we cry Abba father hallowed be your name " signifies the little way we try to appreciate and acknowledge God the creator for bestowing his grace, love, care and support for us in all ramifications of life.
God has shown us immense grace, love, kindness and care.
God's love and grace towards us is unwavering, irreplaceable and unchanging
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