Pabasa 2024 | Holyweek tradition in the Philippines | Semana Santa 2024 | Senakulo | Mandarame | Salibatbat | Holy week|


Hi everyone welcome to my blog! This month of march as a Catholic and becomes a tradition of filipino people we have holy week tradition in the Philippines and this is just started every month of march begins palm Sunday and it will end Easter sunday. So yes! It's one week you can see the salibatbat or senakulo. During this period, many businesses are closed or operate on shorter hours.
Here are some photos from our place here in province of Tarlac! As you can see guys there's have a different salibatbat or Mandarame.
Look! There's a lot of Mandarame and they're carrying cross to their shoulder and palaspas. Actually... There's no time limit if how many hours you will do the mandarame.
Because every barangay in our province have a "pabasa" which means singing the bible. And the "pabasa" is reading for one week non-stop.
In addition, i will give a little bit of information about the Mandarame and why they're doing this "panata" or tradition.
Pamagdarame. It is a penance during the week of the Holy Week in which magdarame reenacts the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus before and during the crucifixion. The performance is the annual completion of the magdarame’s panata or vow to god .There are three sub-rituals that can be performed within the performance of pamagdarame: pamumusan king krus ( pamalaspas or pamagparaya (self-whipping) and pamagsalibatbat (crawling).
Pamagsalibatbat. Finally, it is possible to perform the panata in the Pamagsalibatbat when the magdarame will crawl during whole day long to the various churches in the city being periodically struck on the back by one of the partner.
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