My baby black cat he underwent surgery 🥺


Hoy mi negrin bello lo operaron nuevamente, resulta ser que se había arrancado los puntos lamiéndose sus partecitas, estaba asustando porque creía que tenia su aparato reproductor afuera, pero no simplemente era el conducto que cortaron en la operación, se lamió y arranco los puntos, no pensé que eso fuera a ocurrir porque ya he esterilizado y castrado a gatos anteriormente, si no le hubiese puesto un collar isabelino para evitar que se quite los puntos, me dio un susto cuando veo que tiene algo afuera que se había hasta cambiado de color más oscuro, pensé que se le había puesto negro su aparato reproductor.
Today my negrin bello was operated again, it turns out that he had pulled out the stitches licking his little parts, he was scared because I thought he had his reproductive system outside, but it was simply the duct that was cut in the operation, he licked and pulled out the stitches, I didn't think that was going to happen because I have spayed and neutered cats before, otherwise I would have put an Elizabethan collar to prevent him from removing the stitches, it gave me a scare when I saw that he had something outside that had even changed to a darker color, I thought that his reproductive system had turned black.
Le mande fotos a mis amigas que se la pasan rescatando y ayudando gatos, a una amiga veterinaria, estaba demasiado asustado, por suerte pude conseguir dinero para llevar a mi gato a la fundación donde lo castraron, rápidamente el veterinario que lo opero después de que hice una fila me indico que entrara al consultorio para chequearlo, me explico que no era el aparato reproductor es que al quitarse los puntos se había salido el conducto donde habían castrado, después de la sedación lo volvió a operar, tuve que esperar de nuevo en la sala de espera, pasando hambre y frío, porque ni desayune para ir a atender a mi bebe.
I sent photos to my friends who spend their time rescuing and helping cats, to a veterinarian friend, I was too scared, luckily I could get money to take my cat to the foundation where he was neutered, quickly the veterinarian who operated him after I made a line told me to enter the office to check him, he explained to me that it was not the reproductive system, it was that when he removed the stitches the duct where he had been neutered had come out, He explained to me that it was not the reproductive system, it was just that when the stitches were removed the duct where they had castrated him had come out, after the sedation he operated him again, I had to wait again in the waiting room, being hungry and cold, because I did not even have breakfast to go to take care of my baby.
Ya aquí pueden ver a mi bebe bien conmigo, cuando llego a la casa se acostó conmigo largo rato, vino luego su hermana mayor y durmieron juntos, después el mas chiquito lo extraño porque Negrin es el hermano que mas juega con el mas peque de la casa, ahora estamos todos aquí como una familia feliz, me alegra que las cosas esten en la normalidad, eso espero tratare de que sea así, ahora andan los tres energéticos corriendo y jugando por toda la casa que hasta a mi me contagiaron su euforia jaja.
Here you can see my baby with me, when he came home he slept with me for a long time, then his older sister came and they slept together, then the smallest one missed him because Negrin is the brother who plays the most with the smallest one in the house, now we are all here as a happy family, I am glad that things are back to normal, I hope I will try to keep it that way, now the three energetic ones are running and playing all over the house and even I was infected by their euphoria haha.

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