Battle Mage Secrets - Fab Four

Hi there splinterbuddies. This is my entry to this week's Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Fab Four. This is a recently added rule to the game so I am still getting use to it.
Fab Four
Up to four Units can be used.
  • So you see, this is just limiting the number of monster cards you can summon from 6 units to 4 units. This is going to affect your strategy of course because normally you are considering your team from a summoner to six units of summoned monsters for the medium and high mana battles mostly, but with this ruleset is being added to the family, you have another thing to consider with what you will use in your batlle strategy.

  • Let us see a battle example for this rule:
The ruleset is:
Fab Four in 48 Mana Capacity. Withg What Doesn't Kill You in the mix and the availability of Death Splinters which I am going to use to form my team.
  • My Team
I am playing this battle with my resources availability. Upgrading cards is really not an easy fit now adays. You also have to consider that you will never always win the battles that you are going to fight since most of the players here in modern also collecting the cards like what you are doing. There are no easy battle here to be honest. Let's continue to what team i have scrapped with this ruleset. Astral Entity as my summoner, lets gamble with its dodging features for melee and range attacks that will be boosted to my monster units and the single ressurect and armor debuff for the enemies monsters. Harklaw for my very front with its tnaking capability and some debuffing techniques. Djinn Muirat and Usut are my Magic dealing cards and can be considered my main attackers with this fight. They are still level 1 though. Lira the Dark with its range damage and opportunity abilities will also provide assitance in eliminating the opponents monster that nearly exhausted its health..
  • The Battle
My opponents seems tough in its Water splinters team. It's monster damages combined is really deadly. Lets find out what happened.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 5
And it ends here. This round is where my final Monster Usut been buried. Coastals Sentry's abilities took the winning hit. It's my lost.
  • Fab Four, although it limits the monsters to be summoned in four units, when you are going to fight this ruleset in medium or high mana battles, you must have the combination, abilities to be combined and the best cards you can use in battling this ruleset. Well its applicable to every ruleset but with limited amount of monsters that you can summon, it only emphasizes that you must have the greatest combination of abilities of summoners and cards in this type of ruleset.
You can watch the full Battle HERE.
Images where from SPLINTERLANDS.
Editing to some features were made from Canva.
Haven't played Splinterlands yet? Click here for my referral link and explore the game. See you on the Splinter field buddy!!
Thanks for dropping by!
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