Battle Mage Secrets - Even Stevens

Hey there splinterbuddies. It's me again to share some experience for Battle Mage Weekly Challenge.
Even Stevens
Only units with even mana costs may be used.
This rule does not apply to summoners.
  • the opposite of Odd Ones Out. This ruleset will only let you use Units that got even numbers on them. Summoners are not affected by this ruleset so you can still use any of those neglecting their Mana Count. This is also a good sample of ruleset that requires your collection to adapt. The more choices, the better.

  • Let us see a battle example for this rule: The ruleset is: image.png/
Even Stevens in 40 Mana Capacity. Since I updated my Death Splinters, I am going to use that team for this battle. Let's find out the result of my new upgraded team.
  • My Team
  • Here is my team of Death splinters with some Neutrals to it. Since Even Stevens is the Ruleset, I am forced to used Even number cards for this battle. This is also a good practice for getting familiar with the cards that I just upgraded so its really fun grinding now adays. I am not stuck up competing with bronze league cards anymore and gaining knowledge on how to fight for higher leagus and get familiar wit it. One thing to note in upgrading your card levels are the stats and abilities will change a lot that you will get confuse sometimes. Anyway, let us continue with what type of team i made for this battle example. Thaddius Brood as my summoner to minimize health and magic damage of the opponents team. Placing Harklaw followed by Arkemis the Bear in my front to absorb the frontal attacks. Revelear was used to provide some stunning assitance attacking the front so to let the opponents tank relax upon getting rampage. I think this is usable to let my Harklaw can do substantial damage to my opponent's tank for it has decent damage. Venari Bonesmith to provide Magic damage while sucking out life and giving poison damage to the opponents team. This level of Venari Bonesmith is really dangerous for it got these type of abilities. Xentih Archer is here to provide assistance in giving damage. Magi Necrosi is my sniper with a fatal magic damage. Here is my team of Death Splinters in Even Stevens Ruleset. Lets continue to what will happen.
  • The Battle
Fighting the Life team of my opponent with Grandmaster Rathe as the summoner. A good combination too. Lets see if i can dominate my opponents team.
Round 1
With the card upgraded levels, you will see the debuffing, boosting frequent times because some card will possess this type of abilities when upgraded. Drybone Raider here seems my thorn in victory. Lets continue.
Round 2
Round 6
Limiting the Magic Damage of my opponents team is really a good choice here with the aid of my summoner of course. It let my Monster Units to survive much more longer compared to my opponents team. This yield to my win.
  • Even Stevens, this ruleset is picky. Like Odd Ones Out. Luckily I am balancing my card collections based on this type of situation so atleast i still can fight when this rulesets pop - up. It is my advice also to you guys, when you are going to start to build your deck or rent maybe, it is really important to read the cards characteristics and what will it posses in higher levels. It is not always what you see in level one, it is the same in its max level. Higher league battles is really different compared to lower ones.
You can watch the full Battle HERE.
Images where from SPLINTERLANDS.
Editing to some features were made from Canva.
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