Battle Mage Secret - Equal Oppourtunity

Hey there splinterbuddies. How are you doing this time with the game? Getting restless? emotional? or ready to start new things? Well we can't avoid such circumstances that even I am confuse to start again with what was going on. From the days that I am playing with the latest Major update, it's really is annoying getting butt-kicked with my bronze deck and unable to climb up ranked. You really need to evaluate things again and be competitive for rewards again to gain something and improve whatever you have in the game in my personal. Ow yeah, this is a Weekly Battle challenge, not a rant blog so lets proceed with the Equal Opportunity subject.
Equal Opportunity
All units gain the opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.
  • As you know, the Equal thing is for the strong and rich people... oops, started to complain in life there. lol. Equal Opportunity is a ruleset, as I understand it, is your card ability to finish off the most unhealthy opponent's card and this ruleset will even melee aside from the tank can attack the any part of your opponents line up as long that that card is the low health one. There are certain situations that this ruleset is being countered such as there is a taunt ability in the opponent's or your team which will be the center of attention of the attackers will be.

  • Let us see a battle example for this rule:
The ruleset is:
Equal Opportunity in 23 Mana Capacity. Adding Even Stevens and Taking Side to consideration, I am playing this battle with Earth Splinters as my team.
  • My Team
  • Since Earth Splinters is my team and even numbered units can be played, I am using Obsidian as my summoner, Quora Towershead for my front unit followed by Grund and completed by Fungus Fiend. This battle example came from one of my Guild Brawl battle so I am free to use a single Gladuis card anytime. The reason that I am choosing this units (Quora T. and Grund) is for theier dual attack and their health amount. Quora T. also possessed healing ability which is a great support for keeping itself in the battle field longer. Also, the Equal Opportunity ruleset is perfect for Grund for its damage dealing capablity.
  • The Battleimage.png/
The opponent choses Water Splinters and i think it is a good counter for Magic dealing attack opponents. The opponent also uses 2 gladius cards for this battle which i think he is going to rely on the berserk ability to face my team on later time of the battle. Let's see what will be the outcome.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
And Flagulone R. was knocked off. This should be my winning round for this battle since the remaining member of the opponents don't have the ability to fight back. This is my win.
  • Equal Opportunity ruleset I think is made for the Units that got the Damage, Good Health and Speed. With this things in mind, your weakest monster will have the ability to at least hold longer in the field. Because even it is covered in the middle of your line up, it will never be safe for the incoming attacks.
You can watch the full Battle HERE.
Images where from SPLINTERLANDS.
Editing to some features were made from Canva.
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