The Mind of Lucio Fulci is really dark and elegant haha, I share with you the trailer where you will see in images and concretely what the story is about, The Synopsis is to know The Mystery of The Freudstein, what happened in that house that is next to a cemetery, just the idea is gloomy, would you dare to live next to a cemetery, please answer me in comments.
The film has a lot to leave to the imagination because there comes a point where I don't know if the cemetery is a consequence of everything that happens in that spectral house, the idea is so broad that it gives to develop much more, and this will remain in the mind of the viewer.
I also notice the inspiration in Frankenstein which will connect with all those fans of that monster that defies death, I do not think it is no coincidence that the surname of that mysterious family is Freudstein and in fact I go further, that part of the name that says Freud is very picologic, are very small narrative details but also very striking from other stories that draw attention beyond everything that develops in the film.
A point to highlight is the use of the scenery to develop the story as you can see in the image, they are simple but the aura of mystery is what makes them interesting, the latter impressed me pleasantly because the habit of seeing more recent films in which you notice how restricted they are in showing scenes that explore the genre, that aura of mystery is difficult to see and in this film I perceived it with a door leading to the basement, it is a story that has its complicated touch because I imagine writing a story like that with the condition that a door in the basement is the mystery, then a solution is to exploit that aura or atmosphere of mystery around that door.
The children did manage to merge with the story, they didn't seem lost when acting, in fact I even consider they acted better than several adults in the movie haha,
In fact in the story the children are the ones who mix very well the real environment with that which escapes our reality, which could fall into the imaginary but it is not, it is very vivid and present in the film.
The girl at that time Silvia Collatina who plays Mae Freudstein is the character that I liked the most, it is just that girl who looks while holding her doll to that mysterious and mysterious house next to a cemetery, just imagining that scene makes me think that something is not right, I like that the film highlights that what happened there is so atrocious that it manages to cross the dimensions and affect the place forever.
Un punto a destacar es el uso de los escenario para desarrollar su historia como el que pueden ver en la imagen, son simples pero el aura de misterio es lo que los hace interesantes, esto último me impresiono gratamente porque la costumbre de ver films mas recientes en los cuales se nota lo restringido que están en mostrar escenas que exploren el genero, esa aura de misterio es difícil verla y en este film yo la percibí con una Puerta que da al Sótano, es una historia que tiene su toque complicado porque yo me imagino escribiendo una historia así con la condición de que una puerta en el sótano sea el misterio, entonces una solución es explotar esa aura o atmósfera de misterio alrededor de esa puerta.
Los niños si que se lograron fusionar con la historia, no me parecieron perdidos al momento de actuar, de hecho hasta considero actuaron mejor que varios adultos en la película jaja,
De hecho en la historia son los niños los que mezclan muy bien el ambiente real con aquello que se escapa a nuestra realidad, lo que pudiese caer en lo imaginario pero no lo es, esta muy vivido y presente en la película.
La niña para ese entonces Silvia Collatina que interpreta a Mae Freudstein es el personaje que mas me agrado, es justo esa niña que mira mientras sostiene su muñeca a esa Misteriosa y Tétrica casa al lado de un cementerio, el solo imaginar esa escena hace pensar que algo no esta bien, me agrada que la película resalte que lo sucedido allí es tan atroz que logra traspasar las dimensiones y afectar el lugar para siempre.

In the image you can see Lucio Fulci the mind that executed this work and turned it into a movie, I invite you to know more of his films, I was surprised to see that he is a fan of the zombie world as well as me so I will definitely see more of his work associated with the category of zombies that engages with that type of monster that I like the most, those dead that come back to life to do atrocities.
This work has an energy that is perceived, has many things to highlight of the genre and all of them fall in the mind of this director that I have noticed has left its mark on a generation thanks to this film, just in the youtube video that I shared with you of the trailer you can read many fans who saw this film as children and now as adults even dare to buy it to have it in physical.
It is the magic of that time and television, many films remain in the minds of a large mass of people because they saw them on television and look how striking, many people saw this film as children and were amazed and happy with what they saw, what wonderful times before haha.
En la imagen puedes ver a Lucio Fulci la mente que ejecuto esta obra y la volvió película, te invito a conocer mas de sus películas, me sorprendió al ver que es un fan del mundo zombi así como yo así que definitivamente voy a ver mas de su trabajo asociado a la categoría de zombis que engrana con ese tipo de monstruo que mas me agrada, esos muertos que vuelven a la vida para hacer atrocidades.
Esta obra tiene una energía que se percibe, tiene muchas cosas a destacar del genero y todas ellas recaen en la mente de este director que he notado a dejado su marca en una generación gracias a este film, justo en el video de youtube que les compartí del trailer pueden leer a muchos fans que vieron este film de niños y ahora de adultos hasta se animan a comprarlo para tenerlo en físico.
Es la magía de esa época y la televisión, muchas películas se quedan en la mente de una gran masa de personas gracias a que las vieron en la televisión y fíjense lo llamativo, muchas personas vieron este film de pequeños y quedaron maravillados y felices ante lo que vieron, que maravillosos tiempos los de antes jaja.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.

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