
I'm currently seeing the drama, The King: Eternal Monarch. It centres around the existence of a parallel universe, and doppelgangers. I found the theory particularly interesting. Whether science fiction or fact, nobody knows. There have not been solid evidences to prove or disprove the theory. None that I saw in everything I've read about it.
According to this theory, earths, exactly like ours, doppelgangers (people who are exactly like you but are in different worlds) exist. This was explained by some scientific jargon about cosmic patches, space time and all which I do not understand, because hey, I'm not an astronomer or physicist. Neither did I take my science too seriously, so it's understandable.
This theory we have seen a lot of times in our science fiction series and movies. For example, Star Trek or The Flash where some new Barry Allen from a different earth keeps popping into Earth 1. I was (or still am) not a fan of such movies because I used to see them as ridiculous, but then, I started to think... What if it were real?
Some say this phenomenon is hypothetical and others, like the late Stephen Hawking say we could be surrounded by a number of parallel universes, possibly infinite.
Now, if this theory were to be real, it would be awesome in my opinion. The same way I think the existence of extraterrestrial lives would also be cool. I mean, wouldn't you want to meet your exact duplicates? Even if you couldn't meet them, the mere thought would be mind-blowing. I've been wondering what the me in the other universes would be up to, or what they would be. Are they eating, walking their dog, wealthy, a queen, doctor, model, thief or a homeless person?
These are just my random thoughts.
Photo from pixabay.com
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