Take a tour of Wat Khuan Wichian, which is surrounded by houses, roads and three schools.


Wat Khuan Wichian

Hello friends, a few days ago I had the opportunity to go out to buy food for my pets. I drove past a temple in the market, so I decided to stop here to take some pictures and see the atmosphere inside the temple.
Located on Wichiankun Road, Thap Thiang Subdistrict, Mueang Trang District, Trang Province, it is a temple for the people, under the Mahanikaya sect. The temple is located on a high hill. The surrounding area has houses and roads, especially surrounded by schools. In this area, there are
In addition to Sapharatchini School, Wat Khuan Wichian also has 3 other schools:
Wat Khuan Wichian Foundation Secondary School, a Buddhist temple charity school
Located at 158 ​​Wichiankun Road, Thap Thiang Subdistrict, Mueang Trang District, Trang Province
Teaching at the secondary level, Wat Khuan Wichian School
Located at 160 Wichiankun Road, Thap Thiang Subdistrict, Mueang Trang District, Trang Province, under the Office of the Trang Educational Service Area 1, it is a school located in the area of ​​Wat Khuan Wichian. Therefore, there are 3 schools in total in the area of ​​Wat Khuan Wichian: Sapharatchini School, Wat Khuan Wichian Foundation Secondary School, and Wat Khuan Wichian School.
Temple gate Before I drove through the inside, there was a brown marble slab, a fairly large marble slab with a list of names of donors engraved on it. After driving through the gate, I saw the church, a white church, outstanding and beautiful. It is a prominent feature in the middle of the temple.
This area is a parking lot for vans and buses. There are big trees. Some buses are parked and waiting to pick up and drop off students from Trang, an area outside the city. They park and wait until the evening.
I walked to the back area, 20 meters past the church, and found a multipurpose pavilion. I also found a crematorium nearby. I took pictures of the temple area, which was mostly closed. This area was always quite noisy because it was in the middle of 3 schools.
The area along the fence of the temple is where the ashes of the deceased are kept. It will be like this along the fence of the temple.
Kuan Wichian Temple Bell Tower
I tried to find a monk or temple committee to ask permission to take a photo, but I took it already because I only found taxis waiting for passengers in the temple area and cars waiting for students. They told me that I could take photos as I pleased.
Behind the church, there is a small pavilion which is also closed with a door, but it is an iron door and there is a net that is wide enough to take pictures, so I used my phone and Canon camera to help me take pictures. In the pavilion, there are many Buddha statues sitting.
At the temple gates on both the left and right sides, I took pictures from inside the temple. There are many shops in the temple, which are lined up in an orderly row. Most of the shops in this area sell snacks because the customers are school children. After I walked around taking pictures and visiting the temple, it was time to go back.
If you guys pass by here, stop by and visit the temple. Trang Province has many beautiful temples. I admire this temple because it is surrounded by 3 schools. Children will see the temple and think about Dhamma often.
Let's continue. I drove to buy food for my pets and then went home.
I will end it here.

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