Exploring the trails in the cities! An Evening in Jor Bagh Delhi.


Peace and Peace! All around...

Julley Everyone,
A beautiful hot afternoon over here just wondering around the trails of Jor Bagh Delhi. Just one of my favourite place I would say among all here in Delhi as the place has quite a lot of vegetation and lot of trees all around.
So I thought why not just explore and wander around this beautiful place and share the journey with you guys so in this post I will be sharing my late afternoon walk when I was wondering around the trails of Jor Bagh Delhi.

The Journey.

It was around 1 PM in the afternoon when I reached at this particular spot from where there used to be Galli to the Jor Bagh street it was not a street but it was by the side of a colony where they were houses all around it was really very peaceful place they were shared all around and these victories.

I saw this person selling Daal and roasted Peanuts and sitting by the side of the footpath and he had lot of variety store and he was happily sitting under the shade of the tree and relaxing and even selling his goods.

There was this footpath and there were on the side the trees and by the side of the trees was the main highway it was really a peaceful place guys there were very few people all around and the vegetation and the flowers all around there was just amazing and really very peaceful as here in a busy place like Delhi it's really very hard to find such peaceful places among which is this the street of Jor Bagh.

There even were few of the people just roaming around the footpath by the side of the road and even they were relaxing and all of them they just came here for nature and peace and were just roaming around and enjoying their moment.

The Houses.

The houses here in Jor Bagh they were just really situated somewhere in the vegetation and words it was really a peaceful place to live guys as all around we could see was the trees even in a city like this there were turn of trees and count less in number still the vegetation and the forest was still preserved and maintained here in this particular portion of the capital of India.

The Flowers.
The Main Highway.

After walking for quite awhile I came across this colony where there were these beautiful house is beautifully constructed and maintained and preserved here in the forest it looked like that these houses were just right in the middle of the forest still they had the main highway running right in front of them but the vegetation and nature was so and so close to them that it felt like that it is just a part of the nature.

I stayed here at this particular place for quite awhile just wondered around the streets the places and the portions nearby just exploring by taking a walk and covering the distance all around in walk and that but Khuller day my total distance was more than 10 km is that I covered and it was really a peaceful place guys really a peaceful moment and I wanted to share it with you guys and I tried capturing as many photographs as I could so that even you guys could get to know the true picture of such beautiful places and you can also experience the beauty of the nature to its fullest.

Guys I have tried capturing all of these photographs using my iPhone 12 and I have attended few of them using the native iPhone photo editor which is in the photos app do let me know guys that what are the photographs that you like the most in the comment section and I will be more than happy to know about it.

So that's all for today guys I hope you liked it.
*Thanks for precious time. 🙏 Love from the Himalayas. ❤️*
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