Exploring Dumru Ruaad, One of the most ancient rest point for the Himalayan Shephards, But the stories now lost..!


Julley Everyone,
Peace and beautiful moment that I had here in this magical wonderland of northern Himalayas.
Guys I would say that it was really a wonderful experience and I wanted to share it with you guys through this post as out of nowhere just wondering around the Valley in GPS Maps I saw something different something out of nowhere I saw a Trail which was ancient and used by the ancient himalayan shepherds as I got to know about the Trail from the local people.

It was once a big cave like structure where the Sheeps used to stay at the night. And at the next morning they used to use the Trail and cover these mighty himalayan mountains in order to gaze and reach at the meadows at the top of the mountains.
The story begins something just like this where I saw this empty land here in the maps and I knew that there was a trail to the top of the mountain but I was not sure about this particular single spot and it was called Dumru Ruaad. Wide cave like structure where it was used as a shelter. Dhobi time and as it passed by the cave like structure broke away and there were the pieces of it by the recent ancient earthquakes that had taken place in the whole himalayan range maybe in hundred years ago. Few of the people of the village they told me about the whole story of this particular spot that the shepherds used to stay here and used it as their shelter and now the whole place was totally forgotten which was was the main highway to the top of the mountain.

The trail was very narrow as it seemed like maybe with time and time is no one usually visits this place so were we exploring the ancient trails of Himalayas here I was wondering around somewhere right in front of Naggar mountain.

The Dumru Ruaad.

This cave like shealter was called Dumru Ruaad. (Ruaad) A Shealter in local Himalayan Language.

It took us more than two hours when we finally reached at the destination the whole journey look like that we covered through the narrow trail and making it the whole journey through the Village add reached at this particular spot made away and the whole place looked something just like this.

There were these broken rocks and slowly this whole portion was breaking as per the changes in the geography of the place but still the views from this particular place they were really very insane and very amazing I can still remember guys that how this whole place used to be a still the cave would act as a natural shelter till date. One of a old person in the village told me that when there was an earthquake in the 19th-20th Century some year and the person got to know from his great grandfather as still the person was more than 90 years old today he told me that there were more than hundred ships staying under the shelter and the earthquake came and all of them died and from that particular time no one knows that where they Sheeps has gone as no one rescued them and the whole portion broke into pieces and still the pieces are here till date.

The Views of the Village.

Just trying it right in front of this place what is the views of village and the views they were really very amazing the view of whole mountain range of Naggar was crystal clear visible. Even the mountain chains of Mt. Chanderkahani Pass was visible and looked so amazing.

*The Pir Panjal Himalayan Range.*
The Trail.

The views of Mount Jodo.

Guys I stayed here at this particular spot for quite a while as I have hiked a lot and reached here but the thing that I got here it was peace and relaxation as I could witness these beautiful views from this particular portion as it was really very peaceful place and peaceful spot I could see the mountain is crystal clear visible and I can figure out the whole valley from this particular spot and The as the views they were just really very insane.

There were these himalayan crease more than hundred years old, and I saw these seeds of the trees that look like a rose flower of wood and I tried capturing it as it was something that I saw it for the first time do I have seen pinecones but not something just like this.

I had a thought about capturing the beauty of it and sharing it with you guys through this post I tried capturing as many pictures as I could so that even you guys could experience such ancient places had in the Himalayas and enjoy the journey of wondering around and exploring the hidden places in the Himalayas.

So that's all for today guys I hope you liked it.
*Thanks for your precious time.🙏 Love from the Himalayas.❤️*
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