Thirty-fourth round with an average step count of 18745 and a turnout of 94.44%.[POL] Trzydziesta czwarta runda z przeciętną liczbą kroków 18745 i frekwencją 94,44%.I have good news for everyone, this is the end of the season, now it's time to recover and prepare your form for the next season. As announced, from this season on there will only be four tournaments a year, each one corresponding to a different season, so the next season will be called 'SPRING' and will start on 21st March 2025. Let's go back to the last round of the season, as you can see there has only been one change in the leaderboard, @marthin has moved up to seventh place after beating @racibo. One place down is @danmaruschak, who succumbed to @actifit-godfish after an even match. The match of the round would have been @ptaku vs @benbow2017 if it had taken place 2-3 rounds earlier, but with @ptaku already assured of second place, he could afford a full recovery. benbow2017 had to win this match to stay on the podium, as @bucipuci was counting on the Bulgarian's mistake. @benbow2017 made the most of it to become the third player to join the Millionaire's Club. @jjprac drops down to the Silver League, while @trezzahn will have the opportunity to take a longer break from POLIAC as he has been disqualified for next season due to low participation.