I've been having the Time of my Life for Decades...
Elon Musk has been getting a lot of attention lately...
I'm starting to like what Elon is saying, more and more...
It makes me wonder "what" people would think, "if" they heard Elon saying the same words I've been writing in these Posts...
Would it be easier for people to believe Elon if they had a hard time believing me...???
Thoughts like this run through my mind as I'm writing these words...
I just made myself laugh...
It's fun being me...
I have no idea where I'm going with this post...
I keep getting the feeling that nobody reads what I write...
Who really has that much time to spend, reading my words...???
Do any of you believe we'll be returning to the use of Gold Coins, Silver Coins, Pocket Change, USCC, and Paper Coinage, in the form of Silver Certificates...???
Is what I write, really that hard to believe...???
To most of you, my Posts are like Listening to a Broken Record...
Give me a break, since there's only so much I can write about the above topics...
This makes me wonder what ever happened to all the Old Record Players and Juke Boxes...???