I'm not sure how I keep coming up with enough new sentences to create my posts...
But somehow, the words just seem to flow from my fingertips...
I suppose my Brain may have something to do with controlling the words I type...
My main focus is usually about my "Fine Tuned" version of a U.S. Monetary Correction...
A Monetary Correction tells me that "We the People" were "Bamboozled" into making plenty of Monetary "Mistakes"...
I tend to think "We the People" are going to return to the Scene of the Crime and take a closer look at where we were mislead...
The Coinage Act of 1792 is a good starting point, if you want to find out why we used Confusing Weights along with Face Values that were Set Too Low...
I came up with 1/10 ounce $1 Silver Coins, 1/5 ounce $2 Silver Coins, 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins and 1 ounce $10 Silver Coins...
I also came up with 1/10 ounce $10 Gold Coins, 1/5 ounce $20 Gold Coins, 1/2 ounce $50 Gold Coins and 1 ounce $100 Gold Coins...
Our Silver Coins will back our Pocket Change, and our Silver Certificates, that will be Denominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...
Our U.S. Crypto Coinage, will use Electronic Dollars, Cents and 99 Decimal Cents, which will be 100% backed by an equal Face Value amount of U.S. Gold Coinage...
Naturally, it will be much easier to use USCC than to carry around Gold Coins...
It will be up to the individual, how much USCC or Gold Coins they want to be holding...
That's pretty much a look at my Simple Version of the U.S. Monetary Reset...
The Reset actually turned out to be an "Easy Fix"...
We already have Staggering amounts of Silver, Gold, U.S. Pocket Change and "Existing" USCC, standing by to "Jump Start" our New and improved Monetary System...
I can't rule out having "Existing" Silver Certificates standing by to "make change" for Circulating U.S. Silver Coins, that will be used World Wide...
The 100 to 1 Exchange Rate into "Sound Money" should make for a Smooth Transition into our Silver and Gold "Coin" backed Monetary System...
Yes, our Wages, Tips and other Compensation will also experience a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate into "Sound Money"...
A home that's currently valued at 500,000 of today's Fiat USD's will be revalued to $5,000 in Sound Money...
Wouldn't it be nice to know in advance, that our U.S. Pocket Change was about to become "Sound Money"...
This tells me that U.S. Pocket Change will get me "in" on the ground floor of "Existing" USCC...