@ pocket e change ... Feel free to Delegate your Steem Power to me and I'll help you vote...lol... @pocketechange
The City of Dreams & Dreamers
I'm not sure how I keep coming up with enough new sentences to create my posts...But somehow, the words just seem to flow from my fingertips...I suppose my Brain may have something to do with controlling the words I type...
I've been having the Time of my Life for Decades...Elon Musk has been getting a lot of attention lately...I'm starting to like what Elon is saying, more and more...It makes me wonder "what" people would think, "if" they heard Elon saying the same words I've been writing in these Posts...
Those of you who have been around long enough to understand my message forward and backwards will soon be rewarded...Anyway...Think of my surprise when the Blue Solution turned Orange... Using Distilled White Vinegar, I liquified 1/16th of the outer layer of my heavy brown rock, removed the Brown Copper on a Metal Plate, then Filtered the Orange Stuff and let it dry into Clumps...
I'll be answering Questions or Replies in the Comment Section, so feel free ask about my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction...
U.S. Pocket Change will be 100% backed by "Circulating" Silver Coins, along with Silver, Platinum and Palladium "Collector Coinage"...This will allow our U.S. Pocket Change to increase 100 Fold in "Spending Power"...President Trump said we were going to have so much Money, we won't know where to Spend it all...
Can anyone tell me why I think this Gold Coin needs to be Fixed...???It doesn't seem like very many people believe in what I write, but I'm okay with that...I still believe in what I write, or I wouldn't still be writing about it...