Plushzilla's ReviewMe Profile - Help Create Trust and Credibility on Steemit


About Me:

Like many people who started out on Steemit, I brought my interests and skills from the outside world into this community that welcomed me with open arms.

I am an origamist:

A UX Designer:

A linguistics tragic:

An infographics and Datavisualization enthusiast:

A problem solver:

But most importantly, a community builder:


Currently located in Australia and would be happy to connect with anyone down under or anywhere else in the world!

Contact Info:

Discord username: plushzilla#1634
Wickr Me App username: plushzilla
Signal App username: plushzilla

ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっPlease review your experience interacting with me on!

To #reviewme,

1. Copy the text next to the stars exactly as shown for the number of stars you want to give me! 2. Write your feedback/review about me in the comments below. Help me earn a thousand stars! (^.^)/" Note: Quality reviews can help others learn more about @kaliju and in return, earn upvotes.
![one cred star](
![2 cred stars](
![3 cred stars](
![4 cred stars](
![5 cred stars](
NOTE: feel free to add your own thank you letter to your followers here!
14 Replies