Apolymask looks over himself as he feels the affects of the transport. He slowly looks up to see a giant Grey standing in front of him...
This time Apolymask did not awake from sleeping. This time it was not just a dream.
What happens next...?
Perhaps the question should be what happened before?
A trail was left by a creature, maybe by the mysterious
@fibrefox that had not been sighted in Cryptopia for a very long time. Maybe the presence of the Grey had awakened it and brought it out of a long term hibernation and it may provide the clue to the disturbances of the forces that has left a trail of destruction in Cryptopia.
3 days earlier
In the beautiful drawing rooms of the Castle,
@yeszuzia had just finished framing a painting that she had completed from a little while ago. The other artists gathered around to discuss who would help create the concepts for the new castle that the architects were to design and construct.
It was to be an underground crystal castle inside a mountain with an underground river and big lake. The ambitious project would also include a giant skylights that allow you to see the stars and some passageways that allowed spacecrafts to fly directly in and out of the castle.
@jimramones and the other artists thought about this long and hard...
@jimramones had just walked into the room when the discussions started taking place.
@jimramones-arts and
@jimramones had just been invited to visit Cryptopia along with
@jimramones and
@jimramones not so ago and were also in the main gallery of the castle looking at the paintings hanging high up on the walls on display.
2 days earlier
The marketplace has been without the usual bustling activities of the merchants and traders, without meant that the presence of the citizens of Cryptopia had also dropped noticeably. Normally this would be the place that you could always pick up an artefact or two that are sold by bounty hunters that have journeyed far and wide in search of these magical objects scattered throughout the kingdom, but rumour has it that one of the bounty hunters has awakened something and that there is a cursed artefact that has scared all the merchants and traders from doing business with the outside world and also in Cryptopia.
Of the merchants that are still opening their doors for business, people queued up outside
@eaglespirit's tent eager to find out what the strange disturbances of recent times meant for them. Inside the tent hung an image that was taken by
@eaglespirit and it showed an image of a land that was familiar but also foreign, yet the landscape breathtaking as it was haunting. On the table a series of cards was laid out to be read, but instead of interpreting them out loud, she wrote them on pieces of paper and posted them on the comment board for all to see.
1 day earlier
There was rumour that
@plushzilla had disappeared from Cryptopia.
@plushzilla had not heard of any sightings from his travels, but instead rumours that the mysterious
@plushzilla has been sighted is now making the rounds in the taverns and inns throughout Cryptopia.
@charisma777 had just come back from the garden after helping to tend to some of the plants that
@charisma777 that planted earlier when she had noticed a strange trail that started from the garden and disappeared at the entrance of the castle.
@charisma777 was immediately summoned forth and asked to identify whether this belong to
@charisma777 or not, and upon examining the trail he noticed some musical notations in a foreign language and noted them down and reported to the council.
Earlier today
The council held an emergency meeting to discuss the report that was submitted for review, and they had not come to a conclusion yet.
@bashadow and
@bashadow were in deep discussion, and the prospect of having to send a messenger to notify
@bashadow was a distinct possibility.
It was then when the sky started to darken, the low and thunderous rumbling rippled through the clouds and the ominous sign of something big that is about to happen reared its ugly head...
To be continued...