Sometimes we have to break the rules & change our story. If you feel stuck or stagnant in your life right now, what is the one step you can take to change it today? It can be easier than you think.
In true human fashion, we tend to overthink & overcomplicate things when there really is no need. Sometimes it takes us awhile to take that first step towards our authentic truth, but when we do, it is empowering. We start realizing our potential & what the Universe has for us, even if we can't tangibly see it in the present moment.
How do you want to feel? Joy? Happiness? Peace? If you said yes to any (or all!) of those, then start looking within. You already have the tools you need. We just have to start &, yes, sometimes do it even if we are afraid.
Change is inevitable. It's how we react to it that makes the difference. Be proactive & know YOU create your own story. That story can be rewritten at any time. The power is within.

So, start today. Take that step & know you are powerful enough to impact others in a positive way.
Billy Korg (
@nupulse) helped me create a new version of myself, what I affectionately call "Pixie 2.0".
We are coming to Spotify on March 10 with our new track to reflect that. Check us out here & pre-save the link so it will be in your library when it drops!
Thanks for all of your support & love. 🦋✨
Til the next time,