Playing Photography while my busy.

Hello Fellow Hive Community.. how are you today? May happiness always be with us all.
Well, tonight I got a little inspiration from @my451r's post here about making flowers as simple objects to practice taking pictures. I tried to follow his directions.
The camera I used to shoot this time was a Canon 800 D with manual focus. The simple materials that I prepared as objects are the flowers we cleaned earlier.
I tried to slip this flower stalk between the iron hooks of my notebook. Maybe what you see is not very good, but I've tried to learn to take good pictures. Some photos are out of focus because I didn't use a tripod to prevent vibration. And this is what my camera caught today.
Hopefully you can enjoy it and I really need advice and input so that I can develop better in photography.
The first experiment using a single flower stalk
Next I tried to use some flower stalks so that there were other color combinations there like pink, green, red and orange
I am an amateur here. Please dont judge to much for my photography, but I am very open for much suggestion. Maybe some of these are enough for tonight, hopefully next time I'll show you another object. Thank you for the support from all of you.
My Regard
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