Assembling the Porch Potty for my Future Dog Friend :)

The final item I had wanted to get for my future doggo friend (adoption soon!), the Porch Potty, has arrived, and I assembled it today. I did so inside, but it will eventually go out on the balcony. I need to clean and organize out there (which is why the boxes of Yule decorations are inside the kitchen as well, so I have more room to move around outside; normally they live on the balcony too, lol).
So as I've mentioned, the idea is this is for those times where it isn't convenient to go for a walk. Maybe it's the middle of the night, or freezing cold, or pouring rain, or I just don't feel well. Maybe they are having a potty emergency and might not make it all the way downstairs and outside. So, this goes on the balcony so they can relieve themselves easily. We will go for walks, I promise. :)

The frame put together
After they use the Porch Potty, I will rinse it off with my watering can that has a sprinkle head on it. You can use a hose if you have water hookups outside (I don't).

Underneath the grass, there are channels that funnel the urine/water into a catch basin underneath
If you have a patio that leads out to an area where you can drain to, you can attach a little hose it comes with to channel it away into the dirt. However, since I am on the second floor, I'm using a catch basin:
And I just dump that into the toilet, and rinse it out, then return it to underneath.
The little fire hydrant, you put water inside to be a little weight in case they try to pull up the grass. The whole thing is pretty big! Even a big dog could use it.
Tomorrow I will work on making space for it out on the balcony.
You can replace the fake grass, the email said they recommend doing so every 6-12 months, which probably depends on how much it is used. They even have real grass replacements, if you want. I haven't compared prices on those, though.
I can't wait to meet my new pupper friend! 🐶
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