PEPE GAME is a Battle Card Game for PEPE Token Community
How much did we Stake?Half a Milly! 馃馃馃馃馃Check our wallet. What's New on PEPE Game?Well work has been slower the last few weeks, mainly due to the holidays and other obligations. But GEMs are being distributed for free. You can get one for each Pack you buy. You have a 1 in 4 chance to get one each time you play the Battle Game.
Strange things are happening in the PEPE Game world. Gems seem to be falling from the sky!Our Frog Frenz are finding that things called GEMs sometimes appear in their battle rewards. None of the Frogs know what to do with them yet though. Perhaps when they get back to their home lily pads from their first Adventure, someone will be able to tell them what to do with these GEMs.
Just to let our players know.Some bugs need to be fixed so we're going into maintenance. Hence the game / website has entered into maintenance mode. This may be for a day or two as time allows for fixing bugs.Please rest assured you can not get to your cards or VOLTs and neither can I. They may come back some day. Possibly in the same number and shape you had known, or rather remembered them from before.
How did you like our First PEPE Game Mini-Game?Lots of players got many thousands of PEPE Tokens for FREE! What did they have to do? Click the Play button, that's all.The game picked a number of thousands between 1 and 10, and sent you that many PEPE.
Right now your row of 3 battle cards face off against against 3 opponent cards chosen by the system which are also in the same row. So there are 6 cards all in one row and they battle until one team is cardless.But wait! Why not have 2 rows of 3 cards facing off against each other!
Just a look at the Pepe Game today.Almost Halloween and you can play a Halloween game inside of the Pepe Game where you can play a battle game with trading cards with frogs!Leave a reply if you want to play!Taking a look at the game such as the leaderboard, markets, and such.