Finding the True Purpose in Life.

While reading some of the Memoir Monday posts, I wondered if I have a clear vision of life, if I know what I want from life, and what my purpose is.
I know it might sound silly but I sometimes feel like I don't know anything and going with the flow. But the very next moment, I get serious about life and try to add value however I can. I'm not sure if all ADHD brain works like that or if it's just me.
It's not like I don't have a clear vision but the vision sometimes gets blurred away and I need to clean my glasses to see clearly, that's it.
Being a mom, my children and family come first. To nurture them, to make the best experience for everybody is the goal, is the purpose.

It's true, that in between this, I sometimes feel lost. That's when I need something only for myself.

I found Learning is a great way to add value to my life. It's like a building blocks for me. Every day, not through reading or from online but from everything; I try to learn mindfully and make my mind present. So from next, I can give my best.
I have said it earlier in another post that my life goal was never about achieving something big but finding happiness in everyday small things. The purpose of my life is just the same.
You may feel different but some of us just want everyday small things. Adding a little value to the community, being helpful to others, and achieving something for ourselves are what all I want.
In this daily hustle of life, I often forget to take care of myself and give my best. I learned that pretending, and showing face emotions only burden my life.
It's better to be true, no matter what the situation is. So I would say, at the end of the day, holding on to my values and ethics, and being true to myself is my overall purpose.
If I have to summarize my purpose then I have to put the words this way -

Nurturing, Learning, Adding Positivity, Being True to Values, and Becoming a Better Person are the purposes of my life.

It's a big thing, I know. It's hard to put this in one sentence. But if you ask me to prioritize a single one from all of this then I would probably choose, the last one.
Becoming the best version of myself, doing the best I can so when I look in the mirror I don't feel any guilt, so when I answer to my children I don't feel any regret but keeping my chin up is my main purpose in life.
I'm putting everything together, trying to match all the puzzles to keep going forward in life and achieve these small things.

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