Discuss about Mental Health more! - Daily Freewrite.

Just today, one of my co-workers shared how stressful her life has been since the beginning of this year. When she shared this with her boyfriend, he said, "We all are having stress, so better chin up and deal with it."
It was not this straightforward so it didn't sound like a 'red flag' thing to me. But it led me to think, about why we can't open up and what is so embarrassing about feeling stressed or having bad das/time.
It's understandable, why some people don't show compassion; maybe because of the time, situation, or their own problems. But what I learned is that, there should always be some room to ' listen to others'.
Who knows, maybe that's the person's need for the day.
We still think mental health is something we need to deal with alone, it's all made-up, as adults we can't show emotions, need to be realistic all the time, and deal with life perfectly.
Being a struggler, I know how a mental health victim needs a person, at least someone beside to if not help then just listen.
We need to discuss it more to let the one reach for help who needs it and raise awareness to the one who doesn't know.
That's all for now.

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