Greetings, Artistic Hivers of the #HiveArte Community. How was your week? Mine started well, but halfway through, it was terrible, and right now, emotionally speaking, I'm trying to recover from that bad time I had.
Today I'm bringing you a drawing done by my hand, without any guide or anything, totally blind, following basic tips for beginners who want to learn how to draw anime style without any preference for any specific character.

I did have a specific character to draw, it just doesn't exist in any anime universe. Yes, I wanted to draw an anime style version of my own. I've been looking for weeks for such a version but using Artificial Intelligence generated versions, which in the end, after so many attempts, I can't find what I have in mind.
So I decided to try my version, taking into account some tips from YouTube channels like the one of
Why so Gurin,
kawaragi_art and the one that helped me the most
ElJegar. And yes, I admit it, I aimed too high and failed in the attempt to make something prettier, better crafted and of course, more like me. So join me for a look at this sad story.

I started by making a base circle with a vertical line in the middle and two more horizontal lines to place the eye area. In this case, I wanted my character's eyes to stand out and be big.

Then I started remarking the sketch of the whole face to know more or less how it was going to look like. In this step, after a while, I realized that the face was a bit small in relation to the base circle, so later on I was forced to fix it, but for now I worked like this.

I made another guideline a little higher than the lower one to better delimit the width of my character's gaze, as suggested by ElJegar in one of his video tutorials.

In this step I already have armed the eyes, in a simple and quite cool way in my opinion, I really liked working on them, defining the upper and lower lashes, was what I liked the most about the drawing.

Then I added the eyebrows and the details with the eyelids, to give more personality and character to my character. However, as soon as I finished this part, everything started to go wrong, so I decided to fix the character's face by lengthening it a little more and to better position the nose.

Here you can see the differences between the initial sketch and what I have been working on so far. For my character I wanted to draw the silhouette of his lips, without a smile or a sad mouth, but something in between, since that's how I feel at the moment. The nose I made it simple, just a few lines here and there to place it without so much detail.

To finish my sketch, I added the hair. This one I wanted to be quite simple, with bangs like the one I currently have in a messy way and as you'll notice, no neck. And well, to be honest, if you see that pencil drawing like that, the truth is that it's pretty scary looking 🤣 it looks like some kind of zombie or what do I know, thank God it was just a sketch.

Finally I just outlined as best I could my sketch, leaving it like this so far. What I had to work on the most were the eyes and, of course, the hair. I wanted it to look messy and also with different types of strands, the shadows I was very undecided where to place them so I just drew black lines where I saw fit.
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭

Yes, that's what came out. At the end I changed the mouth, drawing it all in black, adding a red on one of the edges unnecessarily. The shadow and light of the hair I didn't like the way it turned out, the hair itself I didn't like even a little bit how it actually turned out.
But hey, I did an anime style drawing all by myself and I think I should celebrate that. So I plan to use this drawing as my profile picture on Hive until I come up with something better. But for now it is what it is.

What do you think, does she look anything like me? I don't think so, not at all. Well, what I'm looking for is to get an anime version drawing of a girl with short hair, shoulder length, with bangs but only the face, or the head as such, without neck or torso.
The Artificial Intelligence doesn't understand what I write, so for now I'll be satisfied with what I did. I hope you liked this drawing more than I did, thank you all for making it to the end, see you later! 🧡
At the end of the post you can see the Complete Video Tutorial from which I was guided to make this drawing. click on [HERE](#tutorial) to go there