Hello everyone, happy weekend.i'm here to show you how I made a drawer with paper.a drawer is a sliding compartment that holds items like files,stationery,books,tools.drawer helps keep items organized and it easily accessible.
materials used
Cardboard (pink and yellow)
Top gum
stepsI measured the height and weight of my pink cardboard i cut it out,i folded it I unfold and i fold to the side.

I unfold then I fold it again.i unfold and i fold the tip two the middle line one after the other.
When I was done folded all the tips,i folded it again twice.

I unfold i turned it to the other side and i folded it twice again to bring out the shape.then i unfold.

I unfold two tips and i folded the two sides.

I folded the two tips inside to form a box.i did that twice.

For the cover,i cut out my yellow cardboard,i folded it and i fold the down part to the middle.then i made the other side be two tips.
To form my desire shape,i folded the tips again,i glue down the upper part and i unfold the down part.i use my hand to shape it.i did that twice.

I gum the two together.

I fixed the box inside it and i cut a long paper for the second box,i folded it and i fixed the second box inside.i rolled small for the handle

For the design i use my pencil to draw a flower,i cut it out and i attached it on the drawer.
Thanks for reading...