Create a new word , sixteenth IFC challenge : Cribett Adjective Definition Difficult stressful strenuous
Always love architecture in Philadelphia
Thankful for how happy my job makes people feel. I see everyone at their best. All the crankiness and soreness goes away after taking time for nurturing ,healing massage. I couldn’t ask for a more fulfilling occupation than being a massage therapist
The bees that play with you and stand sentry guard are playful males. Any wood bore carpenter bee that has the white spot on the face is male and does not sting. You can pick them up with your hands from flower without getting stung. Only the black faced females sting. Check out my photo to verify what bees you have around you.
Alphabetic word challenge Angelic Bubble coming down easily from God. His invoke Jesus, karma love more nice open pituitary quest rejoice soul time universal vowel. When xenophobic you zapped. #ifc