"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future"
Two days ago my account became eight years old. Not much to say except that, at the time, it never crossed my mind that I would still be here. Not many oldtimers left, but stop by and say hello if you are still here.
This is a cross post of @onthewayout/finally-i-reached-1700 by @onthewayout.Hey! I am back posting about my chess journey
It's been a while since I published an update on my road to 2000 playing blitz on Chess.com. Not that I have not been trying but, it has been frustrating at times. I mean, I was able to reach 2000 playing rapid chess but blitz is another thing. I hope you enjoy the video.
This game is from day 3 of my challenge to reach 2000 playing blitz on chess.com. It features a lot of missed tactics and a lucky finish.
TLDR I suck at blitz chess.What was the biggest mistake in this position?
This is the first video of a series where I try to reach a 2000 Elo playing blitz on Chess.com.I have a long way to go since I am starting just above 1600. So wish me luck.