
I am Nigerian, a christian, I love to meet people and learn from them as well. I blog about life, motivation and stories.

Joined in 04, 2017
· a day ago

There is nothing as great as having all your senses working perfectly you know what I mean, that you can feel, smell, and taste, I believe it is something to thank Mother Nature for, but then again if something goes wrong, we also have improved science to thank for all the advance technologies that can be used to medically rectify these unfortunate situations when they happen.Peripheral neuropathy is a term used to classify generally, any condition that affects cells that exist outside the brain or spinal cord, this incidence can happen for various reasons, ranging from the likes of infections, trauma, and other inherited conditions.With the presence of peripheral neuropathy comes numbness, pain, and weakness usually affecting the feet and hands, other areas and functions of the body could be affected also, and this includes urination and digestion.The topic of discussion is, "PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY", which means it has to do with the peripheral nervous system, so let me talk about that as well. The peripheral nervous system can send information from the spinal cord and the brain to the rest of the body through motor nerves. The peripheral nerves can also send sensory information to the central nervous system through sensory nerves.Peripheral neuropathy can come from infections, metabolic problems, traumatic injuries, exposure to toxins, and inherited problems. The most common causative factor of neuropathy is diabetes. Those who experience this condition often describe the pain as being, tingling, burning, or stabbing. The symptoms experienced also depend on the nerves affected, so let's check out the nerves we have;Sensory nerves are available for receiving sensations like pain, vibration or touch, and temperature from the skin.I mentioned briefly, the possible causes of periph

· 4 days ago

While I was going through articles and stories about babies, I read that babies can cry for hours without stopping and when I read it, I thought oh, but that's what babies do, to cry. However, in some situations, babies just tend to cry so much and one can even tell that this type of situation is not normal and may require medical attention.One of the reasons why a baby may be crying excessively is due to colic, when a child has colic, he or she would cry excessively for about three hours within 24 hours, and it happens in at least three days in a week. When the child begins to cry, there is almost nothing that can be done to relieve the crying baby.Normally, babies cry to communicate their needs to their babies and caregivers, but when the screams are loud and inconsolable without any clear cause, it may just be colic and the funny thing is, it happens about the same time every hour of the day, mostly in the afternoons and evenings.Colic usually starts within the first few weeks after birth and gets intense when the child is 4-6 weeks old, it ends abruptly when the child gets to 3-4 months of age. That is the more reason why it is often nothing very serious to panic about, as usually, it would have no significant influence on the baby.However, parents would feel the stress and discomfort associated with this occurrence, which adds significantly to the stress and fatigue of parents, this condition has been linked through research to contribute significantly to postpartum depression and shaken baby syndrome, so while it may not have a great impact on the health of the child, it is important to reach out for help when such occurs.Doctors have not been able to outrightly understand what causes colic, but there is an assumption that the baby may be having a difficult time getting used to the world. Becoming sensitive to so many things like; light or loud noises, and since crying seems to be the only form of expression the baby knows for now, you wouldn't blame him for letting

· 6 days ago

One significant lesson I have learned on this journey as a first-time Mum is that, there will be so many people to give you advice about yourself and your little one, but making the right choice for yourself and your child lies completely in your hands.I remember when I just had my Son and I had a third-degree tear, I was advised by the nurses at the hospital not to try a hot water compress as it could cause the loosening of the stitches thereby making matters complicated, one of the nurses told me about her case.She explained that after being discharged from the hospital after the birth of her daughter, she had stitches like mine too and her elder sister had come from the village to come take care of her. Stating that, hot water compress produces faster healing, she carried it out on her and it was a terrible experience according to her.When she should have started healing within a month, she was subject to more pain and discomfort. I decided no one was going to carry out a hot water compress on me as a result of this story, but when I got back home from the hospital, the pain was severe and women in the community came visiting and that was when I began to hear stories of how hot water compress helped them heal during their time.I was almost convinced by their stories but decided to continue to hold on to the instructions I got from the nurses and I am glad I did because I later heard about a woman who carried out a hot water compress after stitches and whose experience was a terrible one.Just like that time, I am at a crossroads again, and I am very confused because I just want to be very careful with anything patterning to my child. It seems the way things used to be in the days of our parents is no longer the same as ours.Choosing to exclusively feed my Son as advised by medical experts came with lots of ba

· 7 days ago

I have a close friend who fell in love with a young man and everything was going perfectly in the relationship, you know these days everything seems to be digitalized so they met on the internet and it was such a great love experience.Realizing that her genotype falls under the AS category and being aware of the danger associated with having a child with someone with the same genotype, she asked her partner about his own and he quickly replied that he belonged to the AA genotype. The love blossomed, her heart settled and she became relaxed, they proceeded with plans for marriage and they had an elaborate wedding that filled most of our single eyes with envy. A few months into the marriage, she got pregnant and our most anticipated baby came, oh we were so ready to spoil her with affection and love.However, we noticed after a few months, our dear baby began to fall sick consistently and we followed all doctor's guidelines in taking care of this child so what could be the problem? Upon getting to the hospital, it was discovered that our dear daughter was SS, you can imagine the shock on our faces, and my friend even asked that a re-run of the test be carried out to ascertain the result.The couple went in for a test, and it was discovered that they both were AS my friend was deeply heartbroken because she left a four-year-old relationship because of the same genotype issue just to fall into the arms of a man who only assumed his genotype because his mother told him so as a child. So, you have never confirmed yourself? she screamed aloud, reality dawned on her that what she had tried to run away from all the years finally still happened to her, she screamed and cried as I held her down to stop her from hurting herself. After a few days of crying, we had another episode of attack that made us rush our little princess to the hospital.Reality dawned more on us that it was time to face this new lifestyle of paying special

· 8 days ago

The way our lives get to change drastically when something goes wrong has to be greatly studied, it brings a lot of discomfort and pain with it. I stumbled upon the topic, "pelvic floor dysfunction'', recently, and I was highly interested in knowing more about it and finding out what it entails, but as much as this condition affects the female gender, the male gender can get seriously affected too, and you trust me to share whatever I learn with you here. So shall we?Pelvic floor dysfunction is when there is difficulty with relaxing correctly and coordinating the pelvic floor muscles to urinate or poop. Let's look at the pelvis as being the housing of organs like your rectum, prostate, uterus, and bladder. The muscles of the pelvic floor are the foundation for the said home, they are the support structure that helps to keep everything in their place.Usually, going to the bathroom is often without any problem because your body can tighten and relax the pelvic floor muscles, just the same way your biceps tighten whenever you lift a heavy box or clench your fist.However, in the case of pelvic floor dysfunction, your body continues to tighten the muscles instead of relaxing them, with this tension it could translate to; having a pee or poop leakage, an incomplete bowel movement, and trouble evacuating a bowel movement. For a female, pelvic floor dysfunction may cause painful intercourse and for males, there could be problems with getting and keeping an erection.You may begin to suspect the presence of pelvic floor dysfunction if these signs are becoming visible;When you need to frequently visit the bathroom.

· 12 days ago

In Africa, particularly Nigeria, there is an outdated annoying practiced culture that puts women in the wrong spot. Whenever there is a case of delayed childbirth or pregnancy in a home, all fingers are directed towards the direction of the woman, with in-laws and family members apportioning blame to her.This culture has existed for a very long time, but it is a good thing that situations are changing and more enlightenment i taking place in that sector. I always get very angry when a thing like this happens because the woman is going through so much as it stands already and putting in extra pressure on her is not a nice thing to do.It can be very difficult and upsetting when you are trying to get pregnant, so there is a way to get fertility tested and in this case, it is both the man and the woman who would need to go for the test, this is because the problem of infertility could either lie in the hands of the man or the woman and in some cases, the problem could be both parties.There is no special way to tell that you may be infertile except for the clear sign of not being able to get pregnant or remain pregnant even after trying hard. There are times that after testing, the reason behind infertility is never found still, and depending on the problem found, treatment will be recommended accordingly.For men, these tests are often carried out;Analysing the Semen: Sometimes, the problem of fertility is because; sperm is insufficient, the sperm is not moving appropriately, or the shape of the sperm is not right. In either of the cases, semen analysis is recommended where the male partner would be required to donate a sperm sample for a test.
