Lcdo. En educación mención biologÃÂa y tatuador. Lector y melómano confeso. Entusiasta del arte y la ciencia. Bohemio por vocación y padre de la monstruita más bonita del mundo por fortuna.
Valencia Edo. Carabobo, Venezuela
This time my mom told me that she had an unexpected visitor and asked me if I could help her to cook something because a few days ago I bought some jars of soy sauce and I confess that I really like fried rice, so I decided to make a fried rice in a more oriental style. I recognize that it is not the original recipe and I don't pretend to imply that it is the same or better than the Chinese-Venezuelan rice so iconic in the restaurants of our country, but I did it with the best of intentions and care. Here is how I prepared it.
Today I wanted to take over the kitchen again so I told my mom to relax and I would take care of the cooking. This time I came up with the idea of making sweet and sour chicken wings marinated in lemon with cooked salad and white rice. I will try to explain the process of making this dish. This recipe was the result of one more of my usual experiments that come up when for one reason or another I want to clear my mind a bit and disconnect from everything.
With regard to the initiative of the month of November, a theme for each day, I would like to take the opportunity to share a little of my opinion on the subject of education today. I must begin by acknowledging that I share the same opinion as Juan Pablo, the dynamics of education in the past had important defects such as sexism and classism, which turned education into a good reserved for a few. Little by little these flaws were corrected with the development of public education, but it brought with it its own dilemmas. As my grandmother used to say, every day brings its own problems.
Since I was a child I have seen the kitchen as an alchemist laboratory where I can experiment with the mixture of ingredients, for that reason I almost never enter the kitchen with a fixed plan of what to do but I like to take the time to observe the ingredients I have and let myself go, today I told my mom that I would take care of lunch, and after walking through the pantries I came to the conclusion to make a fried rice with some sweet and sour chops accompanied by a portion of fried yucca. And here I will try to explain how I prepared this menu.
First of all I apologize for the absence of these last weeks, to compensate for the lack and try to give continuity to the topics we have been dealing with, this time I will talk about "myths as interpretation of the ancient world" due to the extensive material I decided to divide it into 2 parts.
A few days ago when I went to school to pick up Luci, the teacher told me that I had to take her to school the next day dressed up as an animal, I immediately thought of a crocodile, she also said that it could be something simple and suggested a butterfly. Once at home her mother, who liked the idea, told me to dress her up as a monarch butterfly, I for my part had already given in to the fact that it would be a butterfly, I refused to be a monarch and since I would be in charge of making the costume, I thought about what other species I could represent and I took the opportunity to make a nostalgic tour of the few books I still have on entomology, In the end I decided on the Papilio lorquinianus, the green swallowtail butterfly, a species that in my opinion is much more striking and less common than the well-known monarchs, as well as a discreet tribute to the French naturalist Pierre Joseph Michel Lorquin in honor of whom the species was named.