Beyond Bitcoin - Founder, WhaleShares - Founder, BitShares - Cofounder.
So Steem's "leaders" have to go to to read my ideas before posting here, and making bank by taking credit for them ;)To make it easier for you:
Join us and become part of whaleshares.ioWhat are Whale tokens?Whale tokens sponsored are the original SMT and inspired Steem to move in the direction of tokenization! Only difference is Whaleshares focuses on creating synergy with Bitshares and other DPoS chains. The secret to DPoS is in its cross-chain capabilities and we at BeyondBitcoin believe DPoS can benefit from working with other friendly DPoS chains...
EOS Speakers, Workers and WitnessesEarn EOSBits for Updates/Q&A!"Participate for a chance to earn a piece of the 100 EOSBit reward Pool!" ~officialfuzzyJoin the EOSTalk Discord📜 Hangout DecreeThis RSVP post will go out every other week as a place for people to sign up as speakers for various topics of importance to EOS as we prepare for an Open Source Hangout. The reason it is done this way is to enable anyone to show up to receive coverage on topics they feel matter to the community and crypto space in general. Most places in cryptomedia require you to Pay to have a voice. EOSTalk Open Source Meetups on the Beyond Bitcoin Network are meant to give a voice to anyone who may need one! forums are Live! Join today! is the community hub based on the graphene technology that bitshares brought to the WorldJoin the BitShares DiscordNotice: Post links to your Bitsharestalk posts for a chance to be covered!
“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.” -- George Bernard Shaw -- There has been a lot of discussion in recent weeks about EOS (and DPoS in general by association) not being a blockchain technology. This all stemmed from Whiteblock's "analysis" on EOS based on biased criteria and funded by Consensys (a large power player in Ethereum). For those looking for a TLDR: their Paid for Consensys is that Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and EOS are not blockchains primarily because they use more secure and efficient mechanisms for providing better results.