Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1473

OCD's support is expanding!

Hello everyone! This is the 1473rd compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

How this Works

OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

Curated Posts

Author: @maitt87 Community: Hive Food
Bull de Cerveza: El Cóctel que Debes Probar en 2024 [English Subs]
Hello and happy new year, Hive Food family! I hope you had an amazing holiday season surrounded by your loved ones. Personally, I took this December to dive into the fascinating world of cocktails and share my most recent discovery with you all.
Curator: @lauramica

5th anniversary in HIVE ! [ENG-ESP] Mi 5to aniversario en HIVE! ✨ Hoy se festeja 🌈
In the last period the achievements were amazing, and let's review them : I have been paid for pictures, I helped the neighbor to make Christmas gifts, I went for a walk, I bought some self gifts. I enjoyed my friends and various gatherings. I reconnected with people after many years apart, and if I had to say it, I devoted myself to creating and training for the murga. Then I broke my wrist and my creation was paused, but I'm still here, even my worst things are shareable, and today despite the state of my hand, we are going to celebrate my 5th birthday in Hive! <3
Curator: @coquicoin

Author: @dmilliz Community: Self Improvement
Hike To Align & Redefine
The new year is a time when many feel anxious about various things such as all the money we spent over the holidays and another big one is the amount of weight we have gained. Then there is the goal setting or lack there of. But one sure way to clear the mind and get on track is to take a hike and soak up nature...no matter how cold it gets in your corner of the globe. It is also a great way to drag the kids from the tablet screen and get some green in their eyes. Heck, before writing the post just now I went for a brisk walk and stretch in the winter night to get my mind right and the words are flowing through my finger tips.
Curator: @mipiano

Author: @multifacetas Community: Hive Collectors
Mugs and cups
There are toy cups, this was my favorite toy, these pieces were given to me by my baptism godfather, every year he gave me a toy, this set of cups or tea, served me to have fun since I was 7 years old, today I still have that tea set, kept as a treasure, luckily the only thing damaged is the box.
Curator: @mipiano

Author: @nickydee Community: The MINIMALIST
Shake it Out
We took a road-trip, yesterday, to check out some possible new accommodation on some farms that felt like they were a million miles away in the old Datsun. No aircon, never heard of central locking back to the future good ol' days, no power-steering and my leg muscles are getting good and strong with that springless clutch situation.
Curator: @millycf1976

Author: @chris-chris92 Community: Ladies of Hive
Can women be measured by a number? Or, how we are pointed out from birth...
How many times does the mere fact of a number condition women's lives, in all ages? This question has been going around in my head for months now. The whole idea was born from a deep conversation with my boyfriend and a great friend, one afternoon not too long ago... The truth is that I have documented myself to be able to make this post. But beyond just giving data together with arguments, what I really want to express is the absurdity of reducing the femininity, honor and dignity of women, to a statistical fact...
Curator: @millycf1976

Attend me, I want to tell you something...
Attend me, I want to tell you something, so begins a song written by the young composer from the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Pedro Junco. The song is called "Nosotros" (We). It was written in the forties of the last XX century. But it is still one of the most beautiful songs of our province. Who inspired this love song is a mystery that many have tried to explain. A veil of romanticism and fatality covers the story.
Curator: @mipiano

Author: @jordy0827 Community: Wednesday Walk
A visit to the Cuban Film Poster [EN/ES]
While I was writing this post and looking for information to complement it, I came across a piece of news that left me amazed, and that is that the collection of Cuban film posters from the period 1960 to 1980 are part, since the end of 2023, of the International Registry of the Memory of the World Program. Wonderful, and just in my stroll today I come to show and write about this magnificent collection.
Curator: @millycf1976

Author: @marbelis75 Community: Foodies Bee Hive
Delicioso bizcocho✨❤️//Delicious sponge cake✨❤️[Esp-Eng]
Hello friends, I hope you are feeling well. I am feeling excellent. As you know, one of the things I like is baking and there is nothing more delicious than preparing a delicious cake easy to make with few ingredients and it is also very tasty.
In the afternoons we always want to eat something sweet, and there is nothing more delicious than indulging in this type of cake that takes few ingredients and its preparation is very fast.

Author: @gatubela Community: Hive Diy
Renovando un porta utensilios de cocina / Renewing a kitchen utensil holder
That is the case of the piece that I wanted to renew, a utensil holder in my kitchen. The paint had not fallen off or anything like that because it was just natural wood, but it looked dull so I thought I would give it a little color to make it more striking. The first thing I did after taking it off the wall was wash it to remove the dust and dirt, let it dry very well and the next day, sand the back to remove traces of glue.

This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

## You can vote for @ocd-witness, with [peakd](https://peakd.com/me/witnesses) or on [Hive Witnesses](https://wallet.hive.blog/~witnesses). @ocdb supports community curation! You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards.

Join our Discord channel for more information.

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