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Most of the people, staying at the hotel is a matter of course. But what if the hotel is on the edge of a lake?? Wow must have a sensation of its own. Today, I had the opportunity to visit a hotel located on the shores of Lake Lut Tawar, Takengon City.
Source Yup, the name of the hotel is "Grand Renggali hotel".
Hotel History
According to the hotel keeper, the Grand Renggali hotel has been around since the 1980s. The name of this hotel is taken from one of the names of flowers typical of the Takengon area, namely Renggali. However, this hotel, which according to the story was once famous to European, had experienced a setback. Until no one came to visit this hotel. And this hotel building has been neglected for several years.
Since 2017, this Renggali hotel has started to improve. All the buildings are being renovated, the gardens are so beautiful with colorful flowers. The old building is designed in a modern style and the ornaments are so beautiful. The hotel is surrounded by flowers which adds to its beauty.
The beauty of this hotel is no less beautiful than the view of the Lut Tawar lake that is provided. From this hotel, visitors can see the crystal clear water of the lake and the beautiful mountains that surround this lake. So that visitors not only come to this hotel to stay, but many also just take selfies.
There is also a restaurant with the name Lut Tawar Restaurant. The name is so because its position is right on the edge of the lake Lut Tawar. This restaurant is intended not only for people staying at the hotel, but also for those who come to just eat.
A natural beauty, which cannot be described in words, it only needs our shared responsibility to protect it.
Stay healthy and happy
My best regards