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"You will always find sweet, behind the bitterness of coffee"
For coffee lovers, coffee is a source of inspiration. Almost all circles, both adults, young people, men and women like this "black one". Some people enjoy it at a coffee shop, some at home, and some even enjoy coffee in the rice fields. Some enjoy coffee while working, some can't concentrate on studying because they haven't drunk coffee, even after eating rice it's not complete if they don't drink coffee. That's what coffee lovers think, coffee has become a part of their life.
"It turns out that behind the enjoyment of this coffee, there are many coffee planters who struggle"Today I had the opportunity to visit a coffee plantation in my grandfather's village in Delung, Bener Meriah Regency.
SourceThe air in the coffee garden is very cool and cold. We have to cover a distance of 2 km by foot to reach the coffee plantation. The road that is passed is quite small, making it difficult to pass by motorbike.
Along the road to the garden, it is filled with coffee trees. There are trees that have light green fruit, some are even ripe, which are red. Between the coffee trees there is a petai tree, the goal is that the coffee tree is not directly exposed to direct sunlight. Besides petai, at every distance of the coffee tree there is an avocado tree and there is also an orange tree.
Usually, this coffee tree has white flowers at first, then it turns into green fruit (like cherries), and finally red until it is harvested. Only after harvesting, the coffee is dried in the sun, and finally processed into various flavors.
Actually it is very tiring walking to the coffee plantation, but there is satisfaction after seeing the coffee directly from the tree.
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