Durian, a delicious fruit but hard to find


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In Aceh, one of the most popular fruits is durian. This durian fruit in Latin is called Durio Zubethinus. This fruit is often called the king of fruits. The hallmark of this fruit is its hard skin and has thorns on the outside. Plus the smell is very pungent. Some people like the smell, but some people even hate to smell it.
This durian tree in our area begins to flower in February, and starts harvesting usually 3 months after. This durian usually bears fruit together with the kuini fruit and the mangosteen fruit. The goal, our parent used to say that the mangosteen fruit can neutralize the content in the durian fruit, because this durian fruit contains elements of gas.
There are so many benefits of this durian fruit because this fruit contains many nutrients that are needed by the body. Apart from that, this durian fruit also contains good antioxidants and can also maintain fat levels in the body.
Although there are many benefits, but we also should not be excessive in consuming this durian. Consuming this fruit in excess without paying attention to the health condition of the body can also cause nausea, nausea and even vomiting.
This fruit also contains high levels of glucose, therefore diabetics should not eat this fruit in large quantities. It is feared that it will interfere with sugar levels in the body.
Yup, for friends who are living a healthy lifestyle to maintain a stable weight, you should limit eating this fruit. Have you ever eaten it???
That's my post this time.
Stay healthy and happy
My best regard
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