Norberto Peña Q.

Liderazgo y Coaching Maturín Monagas

Joined in 07, 2020
· 2 days ago
that sinking feeling [Eng-Esp]

that sinking feelingAnne's big day had arrived, she would be presenting to the company's senior management. Just about 10 days ago, she was surprised when she was appointed to present the 2025 sales plan at such a high level. # During those days, she did her best to present the best information possible, to fight against the internal currents of the company who were reluctant to hand over the data and against one other executive who resented with jealousy that she had been given the opportunity to present to the bosses. # Once she had completed the dossier with the information she started to work on her presentation, she decided to innovate and present a video on the benefits of the proposal she was presenting... So she started her presentation, when she decided to click on it to present her video, the cursor took on a life of its own, due to nervousness, and inadvertently landed on a video of her children. She began to explain her sales plan while her children on the big screen were playing and running in the backyard of Anne's house... oh my god... the sinking feeling was enormous, her cheeks turned white as snow, her hands stopped shaking because they were petrified of fear and sorrow.# A few seconds turned into a sensation of eternity; the more she saw the mocking face of her adversaries, the greater was the feeling of sinking. She was finished, her career as an executive was dying at birth! In fractions of a second she regained control, still with sorrow on her face, she addressed her bosses directly: “This proposal that I bring you today, I made it thinking of my children, thinking of the future of the company, if sales go well we will all do well, we are a big family. The applause and satisfaction of the boss pulled her out of the pit where she had fallen.

· 5 days ago
Avenida a la soledad. Concurso. Observa Piensa Escribe.

Imagen propiedad @lanzjoseg publicada en el concurso Observa esta imagen, piensa y escribe.Avenida a la soledad # En la quietud de la noche, nuestras ciudades mantienen en sus calles y avenidas una actividad interminable, como si el camino no terminara nunca. Mientras que muchos en el vecindario ya están cómodamente acurrucados en sus camas otros aun recorren el asfalto. # El motorizado sale raudo y veloz a hacer su recorrido, quizás se dedique al digno trabajo de hacer deliverys, es probable que su encomienda sea para algo de vida o muerte o simplemente ya vaya rumbo a su casa; pero lo que si cambia ya sea de día o de noche es su manejo imprudente, es atravesar la avenida y se dirige a saltar la isla… # A lo lejos apenas se divisa un ciclista, que no creo que ande haciendo deporte como muchos sino que sea su único medio de transporte para llegar a su casa luego de una jornada de trabajo, el está en la orilla derecha de la vía, en el hombrillo quizás esperando que pase el motorizado, seguro estoy que por su mente pasaría la idea: ¡ya estoy robado…! # Esta zona urbana, además es afortunada y su avenida esta alumbrada, no ha sufrido de la oscuridad que en horas de la noche envuelve a muchos habitantes por los continuos apagones de luz. # Muchos de nosotros, por las razones que sean a veces desconocemos de la vida nocturna de nuestra propia zona donde vivimos, es otro mundo, es el otro rostro de las ciudades. Esa vida oculta de fiestas, emergencias, de doble turno laboral, de inseguridad pero que todas transitan por avenidas en la cual reina la soledad.
