John Jackson

I am a Texan residing in the Philippines. I am proudly retired from the US Air Force. I have been married since April 1980, to the same Filipina. My short-term goal in life is to be able to save enough money for a trip to Texas to see my elderly parents and long-term to live at least 100 healthy years.

Calbayog City Philippines

Joined in 05, 2023
· 13. Aug 2024

I had something strange happen to me today. I received an order from one of the online shopping sites, Shopee. The price was P1375, but I've learned to check my product paying for it. In about 14 years of shopping with them and Lazada (the other online shopping site) and this is only the 3rd time that I've had a problem. I ordered a bottle of perfume for my wife (100ml of White Diamond). What I got was a small black rock. I kid you not, a rock. Of course, I refused delivery and told them to take it back. The delivery driver was unsure of what to do. I told him just bring it back and tell them what happened. He's going to bring it back to his supervisor, get a ruling and let me know. I told them that I was going to send a nasty gram to the company that sent it. Not to Shopee, because they get their products from another company and send them out. I'm guessing that when Shopee picked it up, it was already wrapped because it did have an extra layer of wrap on it than usual. The delivery guy asked me not to send the nasty gram until he talked to his supervisor. I agreed because I don't want anyone on this end to get into any trouble. My one mistake was that I opened the package out of sight of the delivery guy. I'm hoping that will not be a problem. I'm a very honest man, even though they don't know me, I even tell cashiers when they give me too much change. Even so, from now on I will open all packages in front of the driver, before I pay him. Right now, I'm waiting to see what the driver's supervisor says before finishing this post. They never got back to me, but I see online that they are returning it because it could not be delivered. I'm cool with that. They didn't get any money out of me yet.

· 14. July 2024

Okay, this post is about a week and a half late, but I've been lazy again (that happens a lot). I can't even remember if I mentioned anything about this chili cookoff in my last rambling post. Here's what happened though. The cookoff was originally scheduled for July 3rd because that was a Wednesday and our normal expat day. I figured that not too many people would show up 2 days in a row, since some of them have to travel quite a distance. As it turned out, not too many people showed up for our normal expat day and a lot of people showed up for our 4th celebration. I was a bit worried about people showing up because the 4th of July was also the day the President Marcos showed up here in Calbayog. All the streets, except 1 were blocked off downtown. Everyone did not know about the open street, but you could also go on perimeter road around the city to get here. That's what most of them ended up doing. We ended up having approximately 34 people showing up. For the chili cookoff itself, that was another story. Our first and second place winners from last here were not participating in this contest. The first-place winner was not feeling well and the second- place guy, I guess just didn't feel like participating or didn't have time. So, as usual, we had only 4 participants. Two of us from last year and two new guys that arrived here since our last cookoff. For my chili this year I decided to go all out. I put in beef (2 different textures) and sausage. I remembered to order my V8 juice so I had that this year, although I think I may have put in too much. One of the concerns I've had in the past with my chili is that I like is spicy. Most people here do not. I had to cut my hot peppers in half, but it was complimented as being of really good heat this year. I also added about 6 mild peppers that we had in the refrigerator. The biggest compliment I got for my chili was someone came up to me and said, "Your chili is the first one, right"? I said, "Yeah, how'd you know"? He said, "Because it is that Texas meaty chili". I'm proud to do a chili that is recognized as a Texas chili.We ended up having 18 judges (including the 4 cooks). You would think

· 8. July 2024

I've been so lazy and not posting anything in here. It seems like it's really not doing much good. I was posting every day, sometimes twice a day, and things still got stagnant. I need to find a niche that interests a lot of people. It might be something that I've already done today, but it's not registering as something others would want to see a lot of. Oops! I ended that sentence with a preposition. I understand that is an incorrect thing to do. Something else that old timers like me do that is no longer necessary, is to double space after each sentence. I'm making a conscious effort to try not to do that in this post, but I'll probably forget in a few places. It's just something that we picked up back in the old days when we learned how to type. Always double space at the end of each sentence. It's hard to break that habit. I'm sitting here in front of my computer drinking my 3rd mug of coffee (actually only 2.5) and eating the first of two peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Just bread, no toast this time. Mango Lounge is closed today so I won't be able to go there to play Cribbage today. I had an interesting experience playing yesterday though. I was playing against Christian, and I won 11 games in a row before he finally won. He had 4 Kings for his final hand, but it was my crib, so he got to count first. If it would have been his crib, I would have won again. Oh well, no complaints. It's only for fun, no money involved. Another friend, Merrick, showed up while game 12 was in progress. I think maybe it inspired Christian to do more. Since I lost game 12, and Merrick called winner of that game, I had to sit out. I needed to get up and move my big butt around anyway. We alternated games, loser sitting out, after that. I lost 6 in a row before I finally won again. So, I played about 25 games of Cribbage yesterday and won about 17. I wasn't keeping count for all of them, so that's why I don't know the exact number. Mango may be getting a new establishment under their umbrella soon. It's been rumored that a coffee shop will soon be set up right next door. That would be good for me. There is talk of many different types of coffee, s
