Travel Blogs, Drum & Bass Music & The Bluffer's Guide to STEEM
London, UK
Yes yes dnb heads! We've got another new drum and bass mix for your ears this August which takes you on a journey through tunes from the early 2000s up to 2010s, ranging from the absolute bangers to the more chilled side of liquid dnb.
Alright folks, it's been a fun last couple of weeks sharing dnb and catching up but it's time for me to go back to the grind and focus on offline life for a while.I'm not sure how much I'll be posting, my release schedule has reached it's end for now and I'm only doing the monthly DnB DJ mixes in the spare time I have to give my mind a bit of escape!
Oh yes crew, it's time for something a little grittier today as the weather in the UK has shown its usual "summery" face with heavy rain and dark skies for the whole day!This hasn't dampened my spirits though (did you see what I did there...?) and I am in the mood for a bit of a dirty bassline, hope you are too!
Yes yes crew, we're back with another new music release which is a high energy dnb track with a cheeky melody to help bring the weekend in!@gabrielatravels once again delivers a brilliant artwork to accompany the music and literally lives up to the reflections of the track!
Yes yes cats, let's do it now!Since coming back from a little vacation, I'm feeling pumped as I'm getting back in to shape and feeling the highs from that thing called "exercise" and working on a few things that I want to such as making a few more tunes and mixes :)
Yes, it's time to load up on some liquid drum and bass on this humpday hustle and share with you one of my deeper tracks.Although it's deep in the sense of the introspective sounds, there really is no "story" as such behind this one.