The Meagre Monday – Sewing yarn-ends for wip challenge and life of a whiny artist


I was so full of hope and optimism, I really thought I would get it done. Motivated by @jonalyn2020's amazing crochet skirt or @jonalyn2020's granny square top, @jonalyn2020-ene's dresses or @jonalyn2020 doll and all the other amazing wips, I picked up my stripped sweater with the clear intent to sew in all yarn-ends. All of them. But no, it did not happen. I fear I am the world slowest yarn-end sewista.

And that is what happened

Last week, sadly as the week before was again under the headache moon (is there a headache moon? I am not sure) The week started ok, I got one bigger painting done – The drone-sharks – for my next exhibition.

You can see on the photos, how I mixed „real“ painting with digital painting. I started with a super rough sketch with oil pastels, proceeded with pencil sketches and then made a first real painting with gouache. I quite liked how the hybrid creature of a plane-drone and a shark turned out, especially the teeth. To have more composition options I transferred the paintings to procreate and added background and more drone-sharks….

Done with the work I had a bit of free time in the evening which I wanted to devote to the wip challenge. My first project was the hexagon crochet cardigan… Yes, you are hearing right. I am writing about the cardigan which I presented as „finished“. But – dear needleworkmonday community – I am completely unreliable and not to be trusted: I lied to you. I only finished the crocheting, but I did not sew in the yarn ends. Which I did now. And oh wonder I even got it done.

The next days were less successful filled with research for the exhibition; I work about the topic of social credit systems. I lost myself in books and websites. The only capacities I had open I used to knit on the second sleeve of my lavender cardigan (the yarn 😱…. Now I am on the last ball, and I still have not found replacement/ supplement).

And then nearing the weekend they were back, the !§%& (insert the ugliest swearword you know please) headaches. Work delayed, homework delayed, free time with friends delayed and I transformed into a grumble monster. Thankfully the headaches were not as bad as last week, so I had some time outside the bed. And this time I used to start sewing in the billions of yarn-ends on my striped sweater. My thoughts went like this „I am already feeling like sh**, so my mood cannot get worse when I sew in these yarn-ends…which I hate“. Fortified with this optimistic mindset (irony) I sewed and sewed and sewed… and only got the first side seam done!!!!! Honestly, I have no clue why I am so slow in this hand-sewing business. Perhaps I am too careful with the yarn-ends? Do I make to many knots?

This is how I sew in yarn-ends - perhaps you have some ideas?
I always tackle two yarn-ends at once. Normally I sew some longer diagonal seams with the yarn end, but this time I only sewed like two stitches because the yarn-ends are already knitted in while I changed the yarn during the knitting process (like in stranded knitting). Then I make one knot with the single yarn-end and then I knot both yarn-ends together… three times…. Hmm while reading this sounds like a lot of knots. I photographed it but am not sure if you can see what I did. And I needed hours for this. Sooooo slooooowwwww.

Ok, now you: how do you secure the yarn-ends?
(I remember you @crosheille glued them together, I would love this, but am afraid that the glue will not survive washing… or did I dream this?)

Thank you @crosheille for initiating and @crosheille and @crosheille for hosting the #needleworkmonday and the community builder team @crosheille and @crosheille I am so glad to be part of. If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric, and most of all needles, follow @crosheille Or even better grab your needles and keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community.
Ohhh, if you don't have a hive account and want to comment then visit my Wordpressblog Bliss and Blisters and write me there.
Read more about my art und upcoming exhibitions on neumannsalva or buy some of my digital artworks on NFT showroom.
Last but not least: if my post coaxed a smile on your face you could support me on Ko-fi
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