My lifestyle changed for the better, since I started two years ago, I changed a sedentary life for an active one, full of lots of action and wellness, that is what generates health above all things, being active, my arthritis pains have decreased considerably, that is a gain for me, since I do not take medication for life, my sports activities generate benefits throughout my body, improving coordination, balance, muscle strength and endurance; with discipline, perseverance and perseverance, everything is possible, so let's train without excuses of any kind.
Today I share with you, a routine that I did on Saturday, after running with my husband
@jcmorillo1, I am focused on improving in running, yes why yes, there is no turning back, I have planned to participate this year in two competitions of 10 kilometers, to participate next year in the CAF2026, this dream, I have paused since 2024, I can not give more time to the matter, so I have designed a training plan that will allow me to move forward at a winning pace, every step I take will be the right one. In view of this, my lower body is a priority, I must strengthen it more, to get the push I need and once and for all improve my running pace.
You know we love squats, so I chose a Hiit of just squats, to get my legs on fire, to make it more effective, squats with and without weight, the extra weight not only makes it explosive, but helps me strengthen my arms as well. I focused on the Basic Squat, Semi Leg Open Squat, Sumo Squat, Basic Squat with weight, Semi Leg Open Squat with weight, Sumo Squat with weight and lastly, Wall Hold Squat with weight and arm mobility. With only 7 exercises, you work a large part of the lower body.
I confess that I was left with my legs shaking, in the video I show you the number of repetitions and the rounds I did, remember that you can design your own routine depending on your needs and physical condition. Let's train, it's been said, join me and let's train together, zero excuses 😁💪🏻 Thanks for reading me, see you in the comments! See you next workout! 🤗😘.