PollenLoopNetwork) has expanded, but it's far from over!
Note: This post assumes you are already somewhat familiar with PLN.
otherwise, for some baseline of information about Nectar-Queen/PLN, you may view the original whitepaper here:
Multiple categories of information have been added here.
you don't need to know all of this
but in-case you want to, a bit of elaboration is done.
[ notes about extension ]
As you may have noticed, the days remaining of PLN rewards are now less than 2 months, so while the APR is calculated as an extreme value, the 'annual' aspect cannot be taken quite literally. This post serves to inform that the intention of the PLN pool is to always have rewards ongoing. To make this more obvious, the PLN pool contract will soon be extended into the range of 1 year or longer.
That being said, it's important to note that immediately upon extension, the calculated APR will drop significantly, based on daily distribution of rewards being derived from total rewards divided by remaining days. This decline will be temporary, so it's advised you do not panic into losing your bonus shares, only to return later without them once the reward pool is back up and running.
[ notes about other pools ]
(these pools are all sanctioned as part of the queen system)
You might find that PLN is the most stable/safe option, but perhaps one day you would like to have accumulated bonus shares in the other pools as well, you might wait and see where it's going.
progression towards the big picture could take years,
or suddenly happen overnight
[ a few 'known problems' ]
( problem 1 )
{ hive-engine buy/sell orders expire }
this is threat to liquidity across all tokens on hive engine, based on outdated engine code, and has been discussed, with proposed solution being to scale expiration time based on the size of the order.
( problem 2 )
people find [REDACTED] confusing }
it can be explained quite easily through reference of the following articles about [REDACTED] and how it might be used to create emergent [REDACTED] from seemingly benign systems:

( problem 3 )
{ some tokens are stuck in rewards }
a few tokens that do not divide into small fractions do not distribute the way that was originally intended. That intention/expectation was for the distribution to 'round up' and give the tokens to the people with the highest shares of the pool, as a kind of bonus, but instead does the opposite and doesn't distribute them at all. This can theoretically be fixed by matching the number of tokens/fractions to the number of days remaining for reward distribution, so at some point that method or something like it will be done. Ideally this will give some extra benefits to hold higher % shares of the pool, since that generally comes with higher risk.
( problem 4 )
{ higher tier pools have lower APR than PLN }
this is likely to change over time, so having a bit of bonus accumulated might be useful. In theory, the future-proof approach is to have some diversity across the pools, regardless of which one has the highest returns at any given time, but it cannot be said exactly what will be done for each of them, other than to say their risks are variant and PLN is quite stable.
[ a note about PLN soft-peg ]
You might have noticed this already, but in-case it wasn't obvious, since the original launch of PLN nearly 3 months ago it has been trading at about 1:1 for hive, with most deviations beyond 10% coming from buy/sell orders rather than the pool.
This property was not part of the whitepaper, but has been reinforced for purpose of stability, and to reduce penalty of inactivity (such as accumulating rewards over long periods of time). However, it must be noted this peg is maintained as a bit of courtesy, rather than strictly defined, but you can use this knowledge to know when a good deal is available, since any sudden drop in PLN value is often corrected within a few days.
[ a note about the queen system ]
it is the beating heart of a much larger picture:
the Game of Defiance.
This runs parallel to the Queen's Game,
which is auxiliary to the Game of Kings.
Very few people in the entire world could give you coherent answers about a single one of those, so it's better to set aside expectations that you might find a shortcut to the end of a nearly unsolvable mystery, and immediately know everything there is to know. Instead, it is easier to simply say that it was all created by a crazy person, and just go from there.
If you're in the pools, trading tokens, commenting here, interacting with [REDACTED] or doing one of a few hundred other things that leave behind digital footprints, then congratulations:
You're playing the game.
[ a note about tokens/components ]
Many of these are not used for much yet, but their value will be supported regardless. If the buy orders for something have expired, there might be some delay in creating new ones, so it's best to give some thought to what price you're looking at in relation to how much of that token is distributed (that is to say, if someone wants to buy NECTAR for 0.001 each, you should probably just hold it)
Each component has internal rules to govern how many are minted and how they are distributed, with some room for calibration based on reactive assessments to adjust individual pools (usually for purpose of stability). A good example of this would be neglecting to add recently minted nectar to the PLN rewards, as few days remaining would distribute a large percentage of the total before the extension is done, and likely result in some unwarranted volatility from a sudden surge in supply. This hybrid approach between rule-based system and interjected adjustment has worked well so far, and should give some level of credibility to the original notion mentioned in the whitepaper that the rules might be altered over time - it is only done if/when it appears to be in the interest of the system and those involved.
The ideal scenario is that founders/participants have aligned incentives, and that notion was deeply encoded into the original design, which has so far held true, even to the extent that the PLN founders fund remains mostly untouched for purpose of reinforced stability.
[ a note about future pools ]
Question: How many more pools will be made?
Answer: Yes
Actually, there is some debate deciding if PLN will be paired against other tokens. For example, if it were paired against HBD, it might result in trading one type of stability for another. Then we will have it paired against $1 to insulate against hive value fluctuation, but it will suddenly become more difficult to keep it pegged to 1 hive, and for each additional pair that difficulty is likely to amplify until the point that its value in relation to hive is almost entirely decided by the fluctuating values of everything else involved. That notion is against the idea that pairing PLN with DEC/SPS/SIM/CROP/BEE/SPT/STATE/ONEUP/ETC is good for not only the token, but perhaps the entire ecosystem. Some compromising idea is to shortcut these pairs directly onto the QUEEN token, but these things are so far undecided. You can leave an opinion about this in comments below, if you want.
[Current Pool Links]
[Relevant Markets for Pools]
Note: The intention of this project is to give most devoted participants high returns and opportunities, but that is not completely guaranteed. At the very least, the hope is that you find it more interesting than typical defi, and if you gain something along the way, even better.
Reiteration of Disclaimer of Risk:
"Founder could burn the world down with you in it"
That guy is definitely up to something.
Bonus Promotion:
if at any point in time you write about PLN, share some info about it or the queen system, or support it in any other way, then be sure to shamelessly mention that in a comment below and you might gain some type of mysterious bonus for unknown purpose. It might also be useful to educate people on hive engine defi in general, since not everyone is on the same page.