Sabado 08-02-2025.....Fuimos al supermercado. Esp-Eng

Después de despertar, este día dar gracias a Dios, me apure en bañarme, para desayunar que ya mi mama estaba haciendo el desayuno, ya que las dos íbamos a salir al supermercado a hacer milagros y magia con los 50$ que llevábamos ya que no teníamos casi nada en casa.
Si ya ni los dólares alcanzan de mucho, pero tratamos de que así sea. Ya listas las dos, mi hermano quedaba en casa dormido y su desayuno listo. Nos fuimos a la parada a esperar el bus o si pasaba una cola, ya que queda cerca, para donde fuimos.
Vino el bus y nos fuimos, nos quedamos en la parada de Forum, que antes era Central Madeirense, que fue un supermercado que era muy bueno hacer el mercado ahí, era el favorito de mi mama y de mi abuela, aun quedan en otras ciudades de mi pais, pero el de mi ciudad no aguanto la crisis y cerraron.
Al entrar mi mama preguntó si recibían el sistema de crédito Cashea, le dijeron que no pero ojala pronto si lo hagan, tome un carrito para las compras, empecé por unas toallas sanitarias ya que pronto me vendría el periodo.
Nos fuimos directo a la cava donde estaban los pollos y bandejas pollos por piezas: pata, ligadito, corazón e hígado. Luego las carnes, agarre una molida.
El mercado mas que todo quien escogía las compras era yo, porque soy quien mas que todo hace los almuerzo, las otras comidas las preparar mi mama.
Después fuimos a donde esta la charcutería, donde se compro: queso, mortadela y queso amarillo y los huevos ricos en proteínas, eso si a cada rato sacábamos cuenta de cuanto llevábamos, para no pasarnos, no importa que no se gastara todo pero tampoco pasarnos, porque habría que devolver los productos.
De ultimo dejamos las hortalizas, que también no seria mucho, pero para darle sabor a las comidas. Se compro mas que todo las hojitas verdes, tomates, zanahorias y otros, ya hasta aquí ya la cuenta daba casi 47 dólares, así que dijimos, no mas hasta esto esta bien, la próxima será mejor.
Fuimos a la caja yo hice el pago, con mis datos para que el vuelto me lo dieran en un pago móvil, agarramos las bolsas y salimos del supermercado poco a poco hasta la parada, que nos podíamos quedar ahí, pero en la otra parada podemos agarrar hasta cola o carritos, que así fue llegando a la parada, llego un carrito por puesto, y nos fuimos.
Ya en la casa, guarde, organice las compras, luego repose, para ponerme a hacer el almuerzo.
Lo mejor de todo esto de ir a comprar es que lo hice en compañía de mi madre.
Las fotos fueron tomadas con celular Samsung Galaxy A24.
Portada editada en Canva.
Traducción con la app DeepL.
After waking up, this day to give thanks to God, I hurried to take a bath, to have breakfast because my mom was already making breakfast, since we were both going to go to the supermarket to do miracles and magic with the 50$ we were carrying since we had almost nothing at home.
Even the dollars were not enough, but we tried to make it happen. By two o'clock, my brother was at home asleep and his breakfast was ready. We went to the bus stop to wait for the bus or if there was a queue, since it was close by, where we went.
The bus came and we left, we stayed at the stop of Forum, which used to be Central Madeirense, which was a supermarket that was very good to do the market there, it was the favorite of my mom and my grandmother, there are still in other cities in my country, but the one in my city did not withstand the crisis and closed.
Upon entering my mom asked if they received the Cashea credit system, they told her no but hopefully soon they will, I took a shopping cart, I started with some sanitary napkins since I was going to get my period soon.
We went straight to the cellar where the chickens and chicken trays were in pieces: leg, ligadito, heart and liver. Then the meats, I grabbed a ground one.
In the market I was the one who chose the purchases, because I was the one who mostly made the lunches, the other meals were prepared by my mother.
Then we went to the deli, where we bought: cheese, mortadella and yellow cheese and eggs rich in protein, but every now and then we had to count how much we had, so as not to overdo it, it doesn't matter if we didn't spend it all but we didn't overdo it either, because we would have to return the products.
Lastly we left the vegetables, which also would not be much, but to give flavor to the meals. We bought mostly green leaves, tomatoes, carrots and others, and up to this point the bill was almost 47 dollars, so we said, no more until this is good, the next one will be better.
We went to the cashier and I made the payment, with my data so that the change was given to me in a mobile payment, we grabbed the bags and left the supermarket little by little until the stop, that we could stay there, but in the other stop we can grab even queues or carts, that's how it was arriving to the stop, I got a cart per stall, and we left.
Back at the house, I put away, organized the groceries, then rested, to start making lunch.
The best thing about all this shopping is that I did it in the company of my mother.
The photos were taken with a Samsung Galaxy A24 cell phone.
Cover edited in Canva.
Translation with the app DeepL.